Las Vegas NV 2000 event


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Las Vegas, NV 2000

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May 13, 2003

Las Vegas was one of our social family gatherings

In the group photo on the right side second row below, the people are:

Front row: Ann (Florida), Ron Mitchell, Lady Gwen and Charlie Revie  
Second row: Pat and Ralph Cronmeyer  
Third row: Janet Mitchell, Dixie Mitchell, Stuart Johnson, Helen Brown, Cindy (Missouri)  
Back row: Scott Pallack, Eleanor and Harry (hidden) Lyn and wife Gloria (CA)


Las Vegas 2000
Scott, Gerry, Charlie and Lady Gwen, Stuart
Las Vegas 2000
Ralph and Pat, Leau (sister to Helen) Helen Brown, Janet
Las Vegas 2000
Stuart and Sandy, Cindy's mom and Cindy (Missouri)
Las Vegas 2000
Helen Brown, Rick and Janet Mitchell, Ann (Florida)
Las Vegas 2000
Stuart and Sandy Johnson with banner he made
Las Vegas 2000
Las Vegas 2000
Ron Mitchell in the Wax Museum with Barbra Streisand
Las Vegas 2000
Dixie found a friend
Las Vegas 2000
Las Vegas 2000 Las Vegas 2000 Las Vegas 2000
Nigel ... stuck in San Francisco We are sad to report that Nigel died 2 weeks after the Las Vegas gathering in a San Francisco Hospital.
Left picture
Left to right standing:    Gwen and Charlie Revie, Cindy's mom, Cindy from Missouri, Harry Horrox, Ron Mitchell, Dixie, Gerry (aussie), Eleanor Horrox, Scott, Stuart and Sandy Johnson    Sitting left to right:    Rick and Janet Mitchell, Ann (Gardengal), Ralph and Pat Cronmeyer, Helen Brown
Las Vegas 2000
Las Vegas 2000
Bruce Springsteen and Dixie
Las Vegas 2000
Charlie and Gwen
Las Vegas 2000
Eleanor and Harry
Las Vegas 2000
Gerry ... Charlie ... Gwen
Las Vegas 2000
Sandy ... Cindy's mom ... Cindy
Las Vegas 2000
Pat ... Leau ... Helen
Las Vegas 2000
Ralph ... Pat ... Leau
Las Vegas 2000
Ralph ... Pat ... Helen ... Rick ... Janet
Las Vegas 2000
Ron and Dixie
Las Vegas 2000
Ron ... Harry ... Eleanor ... Gerry
Las Vegas 2000
Scott ... Charlie ... Gwen
Las Vegas 2000
Stuart and Sandy
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