NHL Who's Who

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Date DX Cancer Details Family Details
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Heather Dickson 
New Zealand 
1.4.54 / 45


Nov 1998 Diagnosed Nov 1998 NHL indolent follicular stage 1 small cleaved cell. Watch programme until Nov 2001 - large lump quickly developed under arm and spleen enlarged. Commenced chlorambucil 1st 10 day course completed. Have around five months of treatment ahead. Looking forward to being lump free. Husband Alastair - amazingly supportive - married 30 years. One 30 year old son Jason and Fanny the 14 year old Fox Terrier.
[email protected]

6-27-68, 33
2-12-01 I found an enlarged lymph node in my neck in Nov. 2000.  I didn't want to deal with it, and hoped it would just go away!  By the end of January 2001 my mother made an appointment and drove me to appointment.  Primary Doc referred me to a surgeon, surgeon scheduled biopsy one week later.  It took two weeks to receive results-  Non-Hodgkins Follicular Center Lymphoma Stage IV (low-grade, indolent),  with bone marrow involvement.  Had 6 rounds of CVP.  Tried Rituxin but had a severe allergic reaction.  As of September 2001 no bone marrow involvement and tumors in neck and chest have shrunk, and are fewer in number.  I am desperate to communicate with somebody who has gone through similar experience/similar disease.  Would love to hear ideas on how others have kept from being profoundly depressed with the knowledge that the disease will be back soon.  I have never been married, and had hoped to have at least one child.  How do I attempt to hope again?  Should I attempt ! to hope again?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!  Sorry to sound like such a victim- I'm finished wining now! Never married (still looking for Mr. Right),  and haven't been lucky enough to have a child either.
[email protected]

Pauline Jukes
Victoria, Australia
July 1959
1990 diagnosed low grade lymphoma 1990 chemo & radiation followed by 4 year remission. Raised its ugly head again 1994, Stem Cell Rescue followed by 4 year remission. Reappeared again 1998 another round of chemo followed by 2 and a half year remission. October 2001 and its back again - about to start Mapthera infusions once a week for 4 weeks.  Anyone with any knowledge of this treatment?? Married with 3 children, 21, 19 & 15 years old.
[email protected]

Joyce Slick
San Rafael, Ca.
6/99 Lump in left groin was excised and biopsied. Showed mixed small cleaved with less than %25 large B cell.  Decided to go ahead with chemo after a lump came up in the roof of my mouth and my energy began to fade.  Currently getting CHOP x 6 with Rituxan x 4.  Node in the mouth disappeared almost immediately and lump in both rt. and left groins almost gone.  Dr. said today we will stop at 5 chemo treatments owing to disappearance of nodes.  I have also bone morrow involvement. 5 children, Gaylon, J Leigh, Scott, Molly and Jennifer (deceased in '92 at age 24 owing to brain tumor) 5 grandchildren
[email protected]

Joe & Elaine Jannerelli
East Providence, R.I.

Joe passed December 27, 2002

5/98 Elaine: Caregiver & Wife of Joe dx May/1998 Peripheral T-cell NHL, 6
CHOP, Remission, relapsed in 2/01, 3 DHAP. Received Port on 10/2/01. 
Collected stem cell on 10/2, 10/3, 10/4 2001 to freeze.    Received Joey's (our son) Stem cells on  October 11, 2001



Married 29 years to Elaine.  Daughter Chrissi, Son Joey
[email protected]

Hilary Lucas
Harrow, Middlesex, England
22nd March 1943 aged 58

Sadly Hilary passed away in January 2002

November 2000 low grade follicular NHL, Stage 2a, found as large mass in abdomen; no bone marrow involvement.  January 2001 - CHOP x 6 which reduced the lump to where the doctors couldn't feel it.  August 2001 - ESHAP X 2, which didn't reduce the disease.  As at November 2001 I'm waiting to see my consultant to find out what he proposes next.


Divorced, but have good relationship with my ex-husband. 1 son, 2 daughters, one of whom has Asperger's syndrome and schizophrenia.  I live alone very happily, but there are times when I wake up ill and I wish there were someone else in the house.
[email protected]

Dorothy Connor
Cleveland, England
March 2000 Follicular Low Grade NHL Stage IIIA. Presently in watch and wait after six month course of Chlorambucil and Predisolone. Husband Dave, Daughters - Rachel, Justine, Lyndsey and Stacey.  Grandaughter - Elisha
[email protected]

Trudy Cadman
Weston super Mare England
17/08/01 Gorgeous husband Warren DX'd Low grade Follicular small B cell NHL stage 3 ( still waiting bone marrow and CAT scan results) night sweats but no other symptoms. He's ages 31 so in "unusual age group" for this type.  Not usually curable with standard chemo, so Doc suggesting aggressive chemo combination to try and get long term remission.  Anyone out there similarly aged and can give info on what treatment has worked for them. Also carers out there I will be War's carer and need lots of guidance. Thanks Both our families in South Africa. Wars mom,dad, sis and large extended family.  My two great kids Ant 21, and Kate 19 and my twin sister Kendra.  There long distance thoughts and prayers keeping us going. Thank you guys.
[email protected]

Elizabeth Forbes
Maylands, Perth, 
Western Australia
17/05/53 - 48 years
September 1998 Late 1997 had a cough that lasted a couple of months. Had tender stomach muscles Jan/Feb of 1998 - seemed to think it was the coughing or exercising.   Had xrays - showed nothing.   I felt my stomach some months later and the tenderness was still there - my doctor assured me it was just my muscles.    I had further tests - ultra sound.  They picked up a dark patch so went to cat scan. Diagnosed Sept 98 with NHL low grade follicular.   1 round of oral chloriambucil and prednisone then didn't wish to take them anymore.   Had carrot juice every morning and watched what I ate for the next few years. Extra tumours by Xmas 2000. Had 6 months oral chloriambul and Prednisone as well as going to Chinese Herbalist undergoing acupuncture fortnightly and chinese herbs. One tumour reduced by 1cm, 1 other increased, two others at a standstill.   Haemotogist wishes for me to have Mapthera - thinking on that one.   Would like to still watch and wait - will see how I am! when I return from trip to NZ in October 2001.  Always feeling great and have lots of energy as well as a very positive attitude. Now June and am undergoing oral treatment choriambucil and dexmethsone - need to reduce tumour pressing on ureter. Cat scan results apart from that were good as two reduced significantly and others standstill. Haven't time to do Mapthera as going away in a couple of weeks thus the oral treatment in the meantime. Husband Keith and two beautiful daughters Tenishia and Natasha.

Now have a beautiful granddaughter born 2 January named Angel - she has bought an abundance of blessings to our household.

[email protected]

Earl Erdenberger
Rochester, MN
12/97 Follicular small cleaved cell, stage IV w/ 50-60% bone marrow involvement. W&W for one year, CVP x6 (three month remission), Rituxan/Zevalin 3/2000, currently enjoying a complete remission. Married for twenty-seven years to my wonderful wife, Lana. Children: Ryan 22, Kara & Kane 18.
[email protected]

Kenya Inman
Bokchito, Oklahoma
10/13/86  age 14
5/25/01 Stage 1a anaplastic lymphoma Kenya Inman-mother
Kenneth Inman-Dad
Krissy Schmitz-sister
Betsy Schmitz-sister
[email protected]

Gilbert Rivera
June 11, 1953 / 48
6/25/01 Stage: IV-b, Intermediate grade NHL,
Malignant B-Cell, (Multiple Intermediate to large Cell in liver, and Pancreas)
Tx: Rituxan: began 7/5/01,  CHOP: began: 7/7/01
[email protected]

Melanie Schweizer
Oakville, Ontario
July 31, 1974, age 26
April 24, 2001 Tumour discovered April 24, 2001 by cardiologist on echocardiogram...history of recurrent chest pain from November 2000...chest x-ray in ER in 11/00 showed enlarged PA...persistence on my part got me to cardiologist who found large mediastinal tumour (10 cm)..biopsy showed primary mediastinal large b cell aggressive NHL...treatment: 8 cycles of CHOP followed by 4 weeks radiation...currently completed 2 cycles CHOP and feeling wonderful- few side effects from chemo & still working...would love to hear from others, especially young women with same dx. wonderfully supportive husband (Tom)- will be married 4 years in 8/01
[email protected]

pat morlen
Liberal, Kansas
june 1996
Stage iv small cell follicular NHL Currentlay in remission with Rituxan
Married 34 years have 1 son age 30 and a grandson age 3
[email protected]

Diana & Jim Morel
Thibodaux LA
 8-24-41 - Jim
Feb. 14,1989 Jim started having back pain and nausea. It took 4 months and 5 doctors to find his cancer. He had lost 72 pounds. His lymphoma was in his abdomen and bone marrow. They gave him 3 months to live. He went through intensive chemo and bounced back after a couple of months. Even went back to work! Soon after had a re-lapse. Went through more aggressive chemo. It went into his liver and kidneys. Lost all of his hair for the second time. Lots of nausea. Unfortunately there weren't as many nausea drugs back then. The third time was about 4 months after the end of the last treatment. They said he would be on chemo for the rest of his life, they didn't expect him to pull through, his lymphoma was everywhere. One year later they had to stop giving him the chemo because they were going to kill him with it. There were two spots that wouldn't go away. So it was W&W. Every 6 months, sometimes a year would go by with no new news. In 1998 he had back pain, thought he pulled a muscle. One week later pain was still there and he woke up with his eyes crossed. Went directly to ER. Lymphoma was in his brain stem and marrow. Did radiation then followed up with 6 chemo treatments. Finished with treatments 4-00. Found lump in groin and several in small of back 4-01. Did 2 treatments and had to change to something more aggressive. Had one treatment and needed 4 transfusions before he got the second one. Jim is having a very hard time with nausea. He's been through 4 different meds before he found one that works fair. All he can keep down is Jello, water and clear broths. The cancer is in his stomach, the fluid in his abdomen, the walls of his intestines and the lump in his groin. The anti-nausea meds he has tried are Compazine, Zofran and Phenegan. He is using Trimethobenamide for nausea and Duragesic 
[email protected]

Norma & Jim Di Giglio
Kirkland, Quebec, Canada
Nov. 10th, 1954  (JIM)
Nov. 23rd, 2000 Husband Jim....Large, aggressive b-cell high grade NHL - treatment started Dec. 13th as an in-patient, Vanderbilt or Mega III program...completed Jan 13th,2001 home Jan 23rd...2001 - remission April 20th, 2001..so far so good!
relapse - June 26th, 2001...... DHAP x 6......then harvest for sct... BEAM x 6 then sct.. developed AVN due to high dosage of steroidal use during tx.  need THR....in both hips....7 wks out of sct and mega chemo.. doing well...waiting on more info. from orthopedic surgeons for THR......YIKES>....

April-2003 update: Jim is and has been in remission since his sct in September 2001. He continues to be well. He has had both hips replaced and is walking and living life to it's fullest. Keep the faith - all is well!

Been married for almost 28 years - two great kids...Tamara 27 and Christopher 23 - Tamara will be getting married on October 13th, 2001 - she got engaged at Christmas which was celebrated in hospital where her dad was - it was a teary celebration for all..even the nurses!  But definitely brought the spirits up!  YAHOOO!  remember:  Life is NOT what happens to you...but what you do with what happens to you...  :o)

We have been blessed with identical twin grandsons who have become our main focus in life. 

[email protected]

Joan Robson
Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
February 2000 An extranodal breast lymphoma.  Large B-cell. Stage 2 High Grade.   Treated 6x CHOP plus 20 doses radiation.  Tumour size 6cm x 4cm at outset. After one CHOP had reduced  dramatically. Now in remission.  Drs say only a 15% chance of relapse in first two years and less after that.  Anyone else like me? Married.  Two children.  Used to run marathons and all other distances.  Now trying to get back to it.
[email protected]

Lynda Christophersen
Melbourne Australia
18 May 1957
November 2000 Marginal Zone B Cell Lymphoma, leukemic, indolent, stage 1V. Partner and 11 year old Son.
[email protected]

Bep van der Gaag
September 2000 Indolent Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma/Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (NHL/CLL)PhaseII.
Dear Web Surfers,
I am writing this on behalf of my Aunty Bep whom has NHL/CLL as she does not own a computer. Each week I print off stories and articles from the web to send to her to keep her spirits and hopes up, I have also sent her a few books to read. My aunt has already gone for a 4 day Chemo session a couple of weeks ago which made her very, very ill. Today my aunt was told that she needs to go for a BMT immediately if she has any chance of beating this disease. My Aunt Bep has 6 siblings whom the doctors will be testing in the next couple of days for a match, due to her age (65) she was told her chances in contracting GVHD is a lot higher than a younger person. As you can understand my aunt is terrified that she won't make it through the BMT. If there is anyone out there who has gone through a BMT could you please send some words of encouragement to my email address, I will then print the messages and mail them to her.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Father died from Liver Cancer at age 46
Eldest brother died of liver cancer age 42
Elder brother died of NHL/ALL age 45
Married for 40 years to Piet, has 1 daughter and 2 grandchildren
[email protected]

Jerry Hagan
Asheville, NC
1/00 My diagnosis is small cell indolent NHL and I've been on watch and wait for over 15 months.  However, the cancer is spreading and growing and I suspect that treatment is closing in. I've been married to Carol for 31 years and have three grown children (Joe (30, Allison (25) and Audrey (23)).
[email protected]

Gregory Stock
Kansas City area
3-12-01 Follicular large cell lymphoma, stage IV-A.  Just began 6X CHOP with 4X Rituxan the day before each chemo.  After two rounds, my only symptoms are from the chemo.  Got my fingers
crossed--maybe a 50-50 chance.  No complaints.
Wife and two boys, 12 and 14.  Teachers.
[email protected]

solange guenoun
New York
November 2000 Caregiver of mother, Yolande, 1933,dx NHL, Diffuse Large B Cell, Intermediate grade, stage III a, lump in neck found Oct 9,with flu like symptoms; MRI head and left ear shows left tonsil involvement and many necrotic nodes on neck, CT Scan abdomen shows mesentery involvement; Nov 17, 2000 started 6 cycles of CHOP, every 21 days, and 6 infusions of Rituximab, hopeful waiting for the results of PET SCAN, CT Scan,etc...no major incidents during treatments, except 5 days hospitalisation for pneumonia.  
[email protected]

Myron Hobbelen
Wales, UK
March 1954


Passed away 2002

5 Sep 2000 Diffuse, large B-cell, high grade Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, large mass between heart and left lung detected by X-ray 3 Aug 2000, CT scan, bronchoscopy and 2 needle biopsies, Stage 4B, PMitCEBOM 6x (8 Sep - 18 Dec 2000), remission 5 Jan 2001 (CT scan), relapse 9 Apr 2001, PMitCEBOM 4x (11 Apri - ...), possible SCT to come  Husband Glyn, old english sheepdog Dudley, cats Stanley & Emily, 2 angora rabbits 
[email protected]

Alice May Hansen
Wembley, Alberta, Canada
May 16, 1942
May 4, 2000 Right leg very swollen took me to Doctor. After many tests found I had non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.
Small B cell cleaved, no bone marrow involvement. Had 6 treatments with Chlorambucil and Prednisone.
Cat scan in August 2000 shows no active cancer.  October had my right eye affected by chemo causing
blurring, Had laser surgery March 14, 2001. Check on Cancer February 1, 2001, and declared in remission.
Great news.
Married to Don for 34 years. Two grown sons. One married. Now have three grandchildren.
[email protected]
Peter Nebauer
May 2000 Follicular Small Cleave Cell Lymphoma
In Remission since Jan 2001 after CHOP & CVP Chemo plus Mabthera. Still tired but glad treatment is over for now. CT Scans are due in April 2001.
[email protected]

Priscilla Strahan
Silver City, NM
11/97 DX 11/97 with small cell, follicular, B cell, Low Grade NHL; treatment with Leukeran for several months, 1 pill daily; remission 4/98 followed by interferon alpha injections; quit those in 7/98 after moving to NM and upon doctor's advice...recurrance in 11/00; currently undergoing three rounds of Fludarabine, 3 weeks apart. Mostly abdominal tumors this time.  I refused radiation and CHOPs treatments, call me vain! I'm helping myself with lots of "alternative" medicines and herbs. You don't really need to know!
[email protected]

Patricia Coffey
Powell, TN
12-09-99 low grade, follicular small cleaved, indolent, stage 4 NHL i am married to a great man, 13 yrs, 3 girls, 7 grandchildren
[email protected]

Corpus Christi, Texas
June98 I have nhl low grade B cell, small lycocyte cells, stage 4.
I went through  a round of chemo and ct scans showed no evidence of disease.   But disease cam back after 3 months of being off chemo. Then had a mini transplant with a unrelated donor.  This was in April 2000. I rejected donor cells and cancer returned.  Given 3 more rounds of chemo and then given a DLI in Dec. 2000.  So far feel it is working  as Doctors cannot feel nodes.  Waiting to see if this works.
[email protected]

Peggy Davis
Columbus, Ohio
Sept, 1999 My NHL was found thru a routine mammogram. I had a breast biopsy which dx'd lymphoma, and some lymph nodes were removed from my subclavicular area. I have low grade, small, b cell, follicular NHL, Stage III-IV. I was on W&W until 1/01, I have had 2 rounds of Fludarabine, no side effects except fatigue, which was the symptom that caused me to begin treatment at this time. No BMI, but no BMB yet, Dr. feels it isn't necessary. I am very thankful I have supplemental Cancer Insurance. I can now get some bills paid off and really prepare for retirement from teaching ART in 4 years. I have been married for 27 years. My husband's name is Jim, ([email protected]). I have 3 children: Ben-17, Ryan-16 and Ashley-13.
[email protected]

Isabelle Mullaley
Pugwash, Nova Scotia Canada
Jan. 2001 follicular, small cleaved B-cell, stage 3a, no symptoms now; originally two nodes on neck, one gone for biopsy, other disappeared.
No treatment yet.
Very supportive husband, Chris, and two grown sons.
[email protected]

Robin Gordon
Hinesville, Ga.
4-23-96 small-cleved follicular lymphoma, went through chem...remission, relapsed 2 years later, watching & waithing with symtamatic symptons going on right now.
Since last posting the doctor's have decided to start Radiation
[email protected]

November 1, 1996 Diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 years ago (Stage III). Enlarged nodes for 2 years prior to that.  2 years ago it was stated that it is Mantle Cell.   Went through 6 rounds of CHOP and went into CR for 4 months.  Though it had relapsed, was asked to wait and watch as general health was good.  About and a half ago, developed secondary symptoms so went into 2 rounds of COP + Rituxan.  The secondary symptoms went away, but due to low counts they stopped the treatment (it was supposed to be 4 rounds).  Doing fine...and plan to keep doing fine for a long time. Discovered a healing treatment called Reiki which greatly helped me.  
[email protected]

roxiane alexander
toronto, ontario
May 2000 Experienced severe chronic cough, choking, night sweats, SOB,... while working overseas.  When admitted to the hospital immediately treated with chemo, later received numerous CT aspirations, biopsies, bone marrow aspirations... treated at PMH for NH b cell lymphoma with 6 cycles CHOP and 1 month  radiation.  Trying to raise awareness/funds to support Terry Fox Foundation which puts all money towards research other than overhead costs.  We need to help find a cure.  
[email protected]

Buzz Marcus
Boca Raton Fl


11/00 Stage 1 grade 3 NHL mixed b-cell. Localized to groin area no signs anywhere else. NO systems. Begin 4 round of CHOP On Jan 5th. Would like to know what to expect. I have no symptoms at all. Father died colon cancer,Mother lukemia,sister stomach cancer
[email protected]

Liane Bamburg
September 26, 2000 Non-hodgkins Lymphoma (follicular small cell) stage 1 (localized). Finished radiation treatments on 1/4/2001, the goal being a Cure with there being a 50% chance. Maternal Grandfather - Aplastic Anemia (cousin of NHL), Maternal Aunt - cancer of the colon, died having cancer everywhere except her brain. Maternal Great Uncle - died from Luekemia after exposer to some kind of solvent where he worked. Paternal Uncle - died from throat cancer at the age of 37, he smoked 5-6 packs a day.


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