NHL Who's Who

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Date DX Cancer Details Family Details
[email protected]

Susan Saville
Ontario, Canada
July 97 Jan 97 went to my family doctor with concerns that i may have a hernia because i noticed that the left groin area seemed elevated.  She examined me said it was not a hernia and sent me home.  in June of 97 i went back to the family doctor and told her i still had an elevated groin area but also a little bump on my left neck.  she seemed alarmed, examined me a sent me in for a biopsy.  diagnosed with low grade, primarliy small cleaved, follicular, stage 4 (bone marrow involvement).  I have been on watch and wait ever since.  however, the groin area and other areas of showing some decrease in size of nodes but the left neck nodes are getting bigger and more appearsing.  no pain and feel healthy.  
[email protected]

New York
age 54
10/99 I have NHL low grade Indolent B-cell Follicular small cleaved Lymphoma stage II. Affected Lymph nodes are in the mesentery. I have night sweats and possible weight loss. I say possible because I was on a diet and don`t know what caused the weight loss. I don`t know what to do, watch & wait or chemo (CHOP). If there is someone out there
with my symptoms PLEASE respond.
Husband 34 years. Two daughters
[email protected]

Tracy Snyder
5/99 Husband, Mark, dx 5/99 with Stage I, High Grade Burkitt's like lymphoma. Three rounds Hyper CVAD, now doing three CHOP.  Scans and test continue to be clear. Father of two great kids, 16 and 12.

[email protected]

Donald Cunningham
  Lymphona type b non hodgkins wife and two young boys

Steppy Runion
Oct 1999 Stage IV Small Cell Lymphocytic Lymphoma. In general terms this cancer is referred to as a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and more specifically it's an indolent B-cell
Lymphoma. Stage IV because she has the malignant cancer in her bone marrow and in around six locations in her lymph system (neck, armpits, and
lower chest).
Just sore nodes currently.. Would like to do CVP+Rituxan..?
Boyfriend Fred (33), Hoover & Clyde (Boston Terriers)
[email protected]

Shelly Lamb
Hartland Michigan

(Updated Jan 2003)

1/96 Non-hodgkins t-cell lymphoma diagnosed in January 1996.  The DX was a surprise.  I was just out of my first semester of college and didn't think I was sick.  I went in for emergency surgery, they did a biopsy of the large mass that they removed from my left groin (it was the size of a small orange), and they found it to be malignant. 
Following a great deal of deliberation about what disease I had, the University of Michigan was able to diagnose it as t-cell NHL (high grade).  I immediately began CHOP chemo (x6) followed by a month of radiation.  I have been in remission since 1996.  I have had significant problems finding others with t-cell lymphoma and even more trouble finding young people with the disease.
Married (Jeremy, 7-28-01), Cats (Sara, Max, Dewey)


[email protected]

Cecile M. Landry
Berlin, New Hamphire
October 1997 NHL Large B Cell Diffuse. In Abdomen,chest and spleen. Been in remission since March of 1997. Feeling well. Married 32 years. Have three wonderful grown sons and 2 grandchildren.
[email protected]

Antonia Tashkova
Sofia, Bulgaria
05-17-99 Aggressive NHL, stage 1a (two lymph nodes on my neck - no gone), CHOP (3 courses x2, last chemo on 09-30-1999), radiotherapy to start on 11-01-1999 I've got mom, dad, little brother (195 cm tall ;-), cat and a fiance - I love them all
[email protected]

Rob Thomas
Fresno, CA
03-98 NHL, small follicular cleaved cell, Stage IVB with marrow involvement.
Been chemofried for 1 yr, had 6 mo remission, noticed a few more lumps in neck, await gallium scan, expect more chemo. was on fludarabine, vincristine, cytoxan, novantrone in various cocktails. lost maybe 25% of hair & gained 20 lbs (I love mexican food!)Kytrol, ativan, & occaisional smoke seemed to help. Hope to kick this nasty disease, faith, hope, & better living through chemistry. does anyone know the status of angiogenesis drugs or genothereapy in the US? Any info is appreciated.
Married, 2 kids, 3 stepkids 3-16 yrs old
[email protected]

Bob Hammer
Costa Mesa, California
2/2/98 Early symptoms in 12/97 included gradually worsening fatigue throughout the month.  January saw the beginning of weight loss and night sweats which worsened gradually.  These classic B symptoms preceeded discovery of a large mass in my lower abdomen.  A Feb 2, 1998 biopsy revealed diffuse large B-cell nhl, intermediate grade at stage IVb.  Additional symptoms included "invisible itching".   Stomach, bone marrow, spleen and nodes above and below the diaphram were also involved.  Treatment began 1 week after diagnosis and included 8 treatments of CHOP and 20 radiation treatments restricted to the site of the original mass.  The treatments were effective almost immediately and a full complete remission was achieved with an excellent prognosis. Single with no children.
[email protected]

Bob Christensen
Danville, Iowa
June 1996 Mediastinal Tumor removed surgically (no biopsy because they were afraid it could break the capsal and spread the CA) biopsy after surgery revealed Large Cell Diffuse NHL Stage IV (Thimus,Upper right lung and pericardium involved). CHOP X6 after recovery from the surgery.  Completly clear checks since.  Feel very lucky to have found this when we did. Married, wife Maureen a nurse and caregiver.  I have really felt pretty good even during the CHEMO.
[email protected]

Marsha McDonough
Austin, Texas
4/3/99 Son Daniel, 20 years old in July 1999, dx with Diffuse Large Cell Lyphoma, Stage IV B, with involvement in spleen, bone marrow, and vertabrae bones.  CHOPx6, intrathecal methotrexate X 6, neupogen regularly after CHOPX3, hospitalized once for febrile neutropenia.  CR attained after CHOPx4, per Bone Marror Biopsy, MRI, CT, and PET.  Last CHOP on 8/2/99.  9/99 undergoing second restaging since staging at dx.  Formal donor search began 8/99 in preparation for high does chom and allo- transplant in the event of recurrence.  Conditioning chemo of VP-16, ifosfamide, and rituxan planned to mobilize own stem cells for possible autograft if called for prior to locating healthy, matched unrelated donor. Marsha is Daniel's mom and caregiver.  Daniel is a dedicated music student who has not "missed a beat" since being diagnosed with nhl.  He finished his sophomore year, traveled to New York this summer to study music and play with his quartet at Carnegie Hall, and is now back in school beginning his junior year.   Daniel has a 16 year old sister, Claire, and many loving family members and friends who are making sure that no stone goes unturned in order to ensure as much control as can be had in this out of control situation.
[email protected]

Steven A. Jacobson
Fairbanks, Alaska
10/98 diagnosed with SLL stage IVa (including marrow and liver involvement); asympotomatic, so on "watch and wait", but one node under the jaw became quite large and was finally surgically removed after only partial relief by radiotherapy and interferon wonderful wife, Anna, married to me for 28 years; two grown children, long moved away; one old and spoiled cat
[email protected]

Susan Barnett
Frankfort KY
6/99 Diagnosed 6/99 with NHL, indolent small cell. I had been having ankle pain for 8 months and my doctor did surgery. Found a tumor that had eaten up most of my tallus bone. Went to MD Anderson in Houston and was diagnosed with Stage IA. No bone marrow or lymphatic system involvement. My oncologist, who specializes in reoccurring lymphomas, has recommneded 6 cycles of CHOP and 2 weeks radiation. He gives me a high prognosis for long term remission (he got my sister in remission from Hodgkins). I have to stay on crutches for the duration of the treatment though, because the cancer is still eating at the bone Married since 1992 - Husband - Clayton.  No kids. One very spoiled dog named Attila.
[email protected]

Marvin Hill
Johnson Creek, WI
July 31, 1952 (47)
11/5/98 Saw my primary physician and a surgeon in 1997 regarding a groin lump; both said to watch and see if it changed/grew. It started to bother me nearly a year later, so I had the biopsy and was diagnosed with B cell, indolent, small cleaved Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage 3 (probably 4). Watching and waiting. I do not have any symptoms, and as a matter of fact since changing my diet (vegetarian, juicing, vitamins/supplements; I see a nutritionist more than the doctor), I feel better than I have in years. I am an artist, specializing in original wood/lino block prints. My wife Wendy and I have made our living entirely through the sale of our (she hand colors each piece) work at fine arts festivals around the country. We live in a 150 year old farmhouse with 4 cats (Weezy, Joseph, Louie, and Gambier), have our studio in the chicken house, and are surrounded on 3 sides by 70 acres of protected wetland. Wendy is the one who reads/is connected to the NHL cyber family; she keeps me updated.
[email protected]

Dan Vidt
Pittsburgh, Pa
9/98 After feeling like having the flu for 2years, a lump appeared outside of neck. A sore throat that wouldn't go away. Was treated for strep, the lump grew, sent to a specialist, discovered a mass, 2 days later did a biopsy. Small non-cleaved cell, NHL burkitts. Before staging was complete began chemo. Agressive, including intrathecal. currently 7/99 going thru further scans, remission only a few weeks, cancer may have returned
Dan lives with his mom LeeAnn, and 2 younger sisters, Emily 9, Katie 7, has 2 older siblings grown, Chaz 21, Melissa 20. Dan is tutored at home, not strong enough for school. 
[email protected]

Bernie Boxill
Fredericton, New Brunswick
10/97 NHL, intermediate grade, b-cell, stage 1.  Mediastinal mass with some lung tissue involvement.  Tumour detected during preparation for an apendectomy.   Chop x 6, radiation. Remission since 06/98. Single, no children, 1 old Labrador Retriever named Jake. Avid traveller, runner & telemark skier.
[email protected]

Linda M. Colton
Chino Hills, Ca
Nov. 1997 NHL low-grade, Stage II, follicular, mixed cell; had 6 rounds of CVP (Cytoxin, Vincristine and Prednisone) between Dec. 97 and March 98.

Since last writing, after my chemo (CVP) was finished in April, 1998, I started taking interferon shots 3 X week (2 MU per shot). This was started in July of 1998, and I have completed one year of taking these shots.  The worst side effects were some days of extreme fatigue, no energy, and muscle and joint aches.  The last few months I noticed some hair loss, and many more days, close together, of feeling very tired.  Once I stopped taking the shots, there was a noticeable difference in how I felt.  Slowly I'm gaining some strength back, and all the aches are gone.  For the future I will continue to have CT scans every six months.

A wonderful husband, a caring son age 13, a concerned stepson, age 27, a great brother and family, and two special parents - all who have given me much support and encouragement.
[email protected]

Sue Smith
Tallahassee, FL
11/96 Intermediate grade diffuse large cell NHL.  Tumors in mediastinal lymph glands, 6-7 cm. tumor in left lung and several "spots" in left lung.  Original dx stage 1.  Later doctor said "spots" meant it was stage 4.  CHOP x4, radiation x 24, CHOP x 2.  Last treatment in 6/97.  X-rays show small mass in left lung that may be scar, has remained unchanged since treatment ended. Married for 27 years to Marion.  Two children--Arwen (almost 15) and Trey (22).
[email protected]

Carol Hansen
Salt Lake City, UT
October 1994 NHL - Stage three, follicular, mixed cell, poorly defined, diffuse, low grade, indolent. This may have begun 25 yrs ago. Rejected as a plasma donor, due to protein content, don't recall details. Also, began having recurrent outbreaks of Herpes Zoster on back-center of left thigh; 1st DX - brown recluse spider bites. Over the 12 years prior to NHL DX, I was told I was stressed (vallium), depressed (xanex, prosac), had arthritis, had a sebaceous cyst on the back right side of my neck and was generally convinced that I was a whiney hypocondriac. finally went to surgeon on my own and told him I wanted the lump removed. It was a relief to find out there was a reason I felt sick.      CVP; Oct. '94. Rituxin; Jan. '98.  Stage 3 or 4 (skipped the bone marrow biopsy). Single, one great son; Jeff, 20. One brother, died at 52 from stoke. One sister w/high blood pressure-our family thing.
[email protected]

Gary and Carol Adams
Varna, IL
12/23/97 Cleaved cell, follicular NHL Stage III  Gary discovered large lump in groin 11/97 and thought he had a hernia.  Saw Family Physician and was immediately scheduled to see surgeon for biopsy.  Biopsy postponed 2 weeks due to severe skin rash and itching.  Ended up with several ER visits during that 2 weeks for the itchings, vomiting, uncontrolled diarrhea, high temps and chest pains.  After biopsy of tumor, EGD, CT and BM biopsy, he was diagnosed and staged.  Final diagnosis 2 days before Christmas, what a way to spend a holiday.  Completed 8 rounds CVP 6/23/98 with CT's every 2 treatments.  Started interferon on 6/23/98 when Gary was declared in remission - hooray.  Twelve months of hell just completed of self injectioned 3mil. units 3 times a week of the interferon.  Since January, Gary has experienced continual weight loss, chronic cough, fevers and chills.  He was referred to Pulmonary specialist since 2 chest x-rays were normal.  After having Pulmonary Function test we were told that he has mild COPD which would be normal for an ex-smoker (quit 6 years ago) at the age of 60.  A doppler test was done to check for blood clots - negative, cardio-pulmonary stress test turned up some vascular disease and the high resolution Cat Scan was negative for any pulmonary tumors.  He was put on combivent inhaler which does relieve some of the coughing but now has the recurrent low grade temperatures for the past week, severe chest pain, additional weight loss and extreme physical weakness (can hardly walk across the room).  He made another emergency room visit at the request of the Pulmonary Physician to be evaluated since the temperature readings have been constant at 100.3 - 101.  After chest x-rays, blood work, urinalysis, and ekg was sent home to record temps every 2 h  
[email protected]

Cynthia Valone
New Jersey
2/98 Primary Mediastinal Intermediate NHL stage IIB, Large B-Cell.  Was tx with CHOP X 6 TX and Radiation x 20 tx.  Gallium scan clear, but relapsed 9/98 with spots in liver.  Changed to aggressive Stage IVB.  Was treated with ESHAP x 4 and Rituxan x 4 in preparation for PSCT.  PSCT 2/99 and now in remission 4 months and counting. Married to high school sweeheart, Mike 15 yrs and mom of Amanda, 11 and Adam, 5
[email protected]

British Columbia, Canada
5/99 sister in law diagnosed with NHL-mantle cell.  Lymph affected above and below diagphram, bone marrow and spleen affected.  Definitive diagnosis made June4/99 chemo started same day.  She is at home, on numerous oral meds.  Planning on 3 more chemo the stem cell transplant. Jen is a single parent, mom of 2.  She has 2 brothers, 2 sister in laws and very supportive parents and friends.
[email protected]

Kem Hillblom
husband dx 8-92 First dx in August 1992, had 6 rounds PROCHOP, enjoyed 5 1/2 years remission. Now has have most of the small intestines removed.  Has had CHOP and Radiation, relapsed in May, 1999, and now having to face bone marrow transplant.  Always located in abdomen, agressive type, large and mixed cell. Stem Cell Tranpant  Sept. 22, 1999

David Relasped in Dec. 1999, NHL attacked his liver and lungs.  Passed away Jan. 28th, 2000.

Married 20 years, have two wonderful daughters.  Enjoy friends and family. Dave loves to work in the work shop with wood.  We are looking forward to retirement and traveling which I hope the good Lord let's us ejoy together. 

[email protected]

Ginny Pitchford
Cary, North Carolina
March 1998 Low-grade, follicular small-cleaved, Stage IV.  No treatment, just watch and wait so far.
Married 11 years to Bill.  We have 2 beautiful chidren; Joey is 6, Madeline is 3 (as of 5/99)  Dog, Henry, is a royal pain.
[email protected]

Barbara A. Inlow
Centralia, Mo
3/98 Stage IV Lymphoplasamcytoid.  Orig. dx w/mantle cell and referred to Dana Farber for a clinical trial where they made the dx of lymphoplasmacytoid or M.A.L.T. and recommeded w & w.  
Married, mother of 2 grown children, grandmother of 5.   Plus 4 stepchildren and  7 grand children there.  Just recently lost my father (age 80) to complications of bypass surgery and six months later my beloved brother (age 45) to muscular dystrophy.  He was a very special person and inspiration to myself and many others.  I miss him so much.
[email protected]

Joan Velde
Sterling, IL
11/97 B-cell diffuse large cell extra-nodal NHL. (not in lymph nodes)  This was a primary tumor of the right clavicle.  5 cycles CHOP, 4 1/2 wks. radiation.  In remission since 5/98. 
Can't find much info on extra-nodal NHL of the bone - any help, I'd appreciate.
Married, 2nd time, for 14 years, grown daughter 38, Mommy to two cats and a Siberian Husky as well.  Worry a lot about recurrence, because there were no symptoms except the growing lump on my shoulder blade.  Bloodwork was normal, bone marrow negative, no malaise, had lots of energy.  Don't know what to look for now.
[email protected]
Sue Feder
3 Goucher Woods Court
Towson, MD
6/98, relapse 10/99 Diffuse mixed large and small cell NHL, stage II.  Had hysterectomy 3/98 and was doing fine until a couple of weeks later when my left leg got terribly swollen. Everyone thought it was a blood clot, and I was hospitalized for heparin therapy and given coumadin. The swelling only slightly reduced, and then a lump was noticed in my right thigh. Everyone thought it was an infection and I took massive doses of antibiotics - no reduction. My primary sent me to a general surgeon to discuss a biopsy. He said, "I'm sure it's just an infection and I'm not going to interrupt your coumadin just to prove to myself that I'm right. Come back in two months if it hasn't cleared up." A few days later I was back at my primary, announcing, "I'm not leaving until you come up with a plan of action that includes ANYTHING other than 'go home and call me if it gets worse'." I was put in touch with the GYN who did the hysterectomy, who sent me immediately to a GYN oncologist, who immediately did a biopsy. Moral of the story - if your body is telling you there's something wrong, and your doctor is telling you no, listen to your body. Finished 6 rounds of CHOP in 10/98, did well for a year, then (between checkups, as a result of always poking and prodding at myself) discovered new lump in the right groin.  I am now in "induction" phase chemo preparatory to a stem cell transplant, and keeping all fingers and toes crossed.  Married to Larry since 1986, no kids (by choice). Close relationship with my parents, sister and her family (2 beloved nephews), brother and his daughters (2 delightful nieces). Planning to retire in March 2005, when my husband reaches 30 years of service with his state job. Avid reader and book reviewer (see my web site), editor/publisher of a quarterly journal devoted to historical mysteries. Avid movie-goer.   Insurance claims investigator for over 24 years.

Priscilla "Prissie" Walsh
Denver, CO

died July 5, 1999

Sept. 96 dx Sept 96 aggressive, large B-cell, diffuse/immunoblastic NHL, stage 3.  CHOPx6. Remission for 3 months. Recurred 5/97, DACE continuous infusion 1 week x 2.  Auto PSCT 9/97. Spleen removed.  Radiation x20 2/98;  Recurred 7/98, Stage 4 - bone marrow and liver involvement.  Clinical trial Radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (LL2+Yttrium) 11/98.  Recurred 1/99.  Clinical trial at Cornell Med Ctr, NYC, for "cold" LL2 high dose.  No response to treatment.   Presently have hospice care at home, but am feeling great, even though time is short.  (as of 5-1-99) Wonderful and supportive husband Bill,  my angel youngest sister Lisa who has gone through all treatments by my side, and angel nurse sister Celie.  Plus terrific friends.
[email protected]

Mary Hanson
Caregiver to Judy Schriver
Fountain Valley, California 
  Caregiver to Judy Schriver, also age 51.  Diagnosis of Primary CNS Lymphoma - multiple brain tumors.  First symptoms were headaches, dizziness and blurred vision in May '98.  Severe symptoms in August '98, unable to stay awake, nausea and vomiting, headaches.  Diagnosed in late October after two brain biopsies and two spinal taps.  Treated with CHOP x 1.  Deteriorated and CHOP discontinued.   Radiation to brain x 22 through January '99.  Died March 24, 1999. Mary - married to Brett, mother to Brooke (25), three cats - Sunny, Smokey, and Shadow.  Health care business consultant, and former EEG technologist.  Enjoys reading, music (all kinds),sewing, and gardening.
[email protected]

Adam Frank
New York, New York
1/99 Wife, Marnie, dx 1/99 DLBCL, COD-BLAM x3, CHOP x3, remission until 1/01, DICE x2, PBSCT, remission until 11/01, PET scan positive, undergoing CT scan, biopsy for staging, genetic and other info, will determine tx. Daughter Hannah, 3-1/2, son Alex, 2 (as of May 1999).
Hannah is now 6-1/4, Alex nearly 5.  We still live on Manhattan's East Side.
[email protected]

Connie S. Schwartz
Hudson, IL
May 13, 1998 After several severe sinus infections I went to an ENT and he found a small lump on the right side of my neck, biopsy showed it was beign, but needed to be removed.   Once the doc removed the mass, he was suspicious so sent smears to MAYO for further testing.  Was diagnosised with MALT Lymphomia of the right parotid gland.  I was given 4 weeks to heal from the surgery then I started 20 rounds of radiation,  Other than my face looking like the victim of a scorched earth policy and loosing my sense of taste temporarily I did okay.  I also went through antibiotic treatment for H-pylori and had an endiscope done of my stomach a month later, there was evidence of MALT nodes in my stomach but no living cells.  I am considered in remission now, with an excellent chance for cure :-)

So much for cure, I was diagnosed with MALT of the right Parotid gland in December, had gland removed 12/28/99 and started Radiation late February.  I tried amifostine with the radiation which seemed to help keep the other glands protected during radiation, fluid was delivered prior to each treatment via pic line.  Toward the end nausea was so bad I got into the routine of barfing just before treatment (drug only has a 30 minute window of effectiveness).  Back on W&W now, to see if it creeps up anywhere else.
I have been married to my wonderful husband Gary for 18 years and we share our old house in hudson with Gerthtonza, a cat with attitude.  I am fortunate that my immediate family, 2 sisters, 2 brothers, 4 nieces, 3 nephews all live with in a few miles of me.  What a great support network!  We had not been in our house very long before I was diagnosised so I hope to get into gardening this summer (1999), last summer I spent vomiting and sitting in very dark rooms, it was a real blast.  Shopping is my passion, and I am a Christmas fanatic, my husband is looking for a treatment center to try and get me off Christmas.  I put up 4 trees and decorate the house from top to bottom, including the bathrooms.
[email protected]

Jude and Steve Browne
Gisborne New Zealand
March 99 NHL- Low Grade, Follicular Mixed Small Cleaved & Large Cell Type. I have stage IV and the bone marrow is implicated. B cell.

Married to Steve for 24 years, with 6 children 6 - 18 years. First one adopted, all adored ( All ideas on how to get them to do housework gladly appreciated!:)). I am a teacher. Presently on leave. Especially interested in any diets or lifestyle changes as the doctors recommend a Watch & Wait approach. Also would appreciate contact from anyone who can tell me what to expect in the future.
[email protected]

Michael Mountjoy
South Africa
9 years old
02/03/99 Non Hodgkins T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma stage 1V. Currently being treated with ALL Protocol. Mom dad and sister Tammy (7)
[email protected]

Rona Trachtenberg
Glen Cove, NY
41 years old
5/94 Husband, 40 years old
Intermediate NHL, diffuse, mixed, large B-cell, Stage IVb
2 tumors: kidney area, between C6-7 vertebra in  neck misdiagnosed for 8 months 9 rounds CHOP
Periperal Stem Cell BMT 3/95
relapse 3/98
4 rounds CHOP Allogeneic MUD BMT 10/98 as of 2/98 - chronic Graft vs Host Disease tx with Thalidomide, Prednisone, Prograf
cat died of Lymphoma, had to give away other cat and dog :-(
married 11 years to my childhood sweetie.
hope G-d gives us many more years together!
Recommendation to the world: GET A SECOND OPINION!!
[email protected]

Kevin Simon
Victoria, B.C.
July 7, 1995 mediastinal, b-cell lymphoma, high grade, stage iv,  experimental high dose chemo at Vancouver Cancer Clinic.Still in remission wife - Linda, son - Derek - daughter - Chantel
[email protected]   Had Allogenic BMT 9/12/97  
[email protected]

Mark Lewy
Hopkinton, NH
10-97 I found a lump in my leeft axilla.  I went through 6 rounds of CHOP.  I had a neg. Gallium scan half way through rx,  but it was pos. at the end of CHOP.  I then went through RT and a stem cell transplant in 5-98.  We'll see what happens. I am still here.  I count my blessings every day.  Every day from now on is free. I am married for ten years to my one and only, Liz, and we share 2 beautiful children, Jacqueline, 3, and Jessica, 2.
[email protected]

Marilyn Lott Kalai
Wilmette, Illinois
12/96 small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocitic leukemia, mixed cell, bone marro involvement.7X CHOP, relapsed, IDEC Y28 trial, phase 3 (Rituxan+Yttrium) 3/98

Marilyn passed away in 2001

I am alive and well because of my husband, children, brothers, sister, and friends.
[email protected]

Connie L. Klein
Green Bay Wisconsin
8-14-1993 I was diagnosed with follicular small cleaved B-cell NHL and M.A.L.T. lymphoma, both low-grade throughout my small intestine.  I had CVP for 6 cycles but had to skip the last 2 cycles because I was diagnosed with Grave's disease and was extremely hyperthyroid.  I ended up having to have my thyroid taken out.  I was in remission and that remission lasted 2 years.  I was declared out of remission February, 1996 and then went on 6 cycles of Fludarabine and went into my 2nd remission.   I had been going to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for all this.  About 8 months into my remission my Doctor suggested for me to go to the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, NE.  My Doctor there was Dr. Julie Vose.  It was decided I was a candidate for stem cell transplant.  I chose to have an autologous PBSCT after high dose chemo on May, 27 1997....I could have used my brothers since at that time he matched me 6 out of 6 antigens in our blood.  I can depend upon him later if i!
t becomes necessary.
I've had tests every six months since but something was found on the ones done on 01-2000 in my small intestine again but they couldn't determine if it was the cancer from the biopsies.  Since the beginning of 2000, our insurance was changed and it is a PPO type insurance.  I'm fighting to go to Mayo again to have the tests done there and none here because they've screwed up way too many times....it's a long story.
I've been married to Scott since 3-29-1981, that makes it 19 years at this time.  I have an 18 year old daughter named Kara, a 17 year old son named Aaron and a 15 year old son named Ryan.
I had a cousin who died in 1977 of NHL when he was 16 years old.  
[email protected]

Tim Blakney
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
13 Dec 1996 Completed radiation Aug 97 - Relapse Sept. 97 new location in tonsils. New biopsy - dx mantle cell.  6 rounds of CHOP.  Feb. 1998 auto periperhal stem cell transplant.  
[email protected]

Mark Sullivan
169 Clemson Rd.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
01/20/95 Burkitt's Lymphoma; Stage IV; Small Intestine & Bome Marrow; 41 yrs. old at DX, very rare!.  8 cycle, Aggressive Combination Chemo w/ intrathecal injections (ouch!); Inpatient at the Cancer Center, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvannia. Brutal six months of treatments. A few months to recover. Life returned to normal! A miracle of science and faith! No family history of cx or lymphoma.
[email protected]

Joanne Gilbert
Douglas Park, NSW Australia
May 91 Just become only the second person to receive Rituxan (MabThera) in Sydney. Chemo begun in Jan failed. Very happy with results so far. Nice to be a pioneer!  
[email protected]

Ginny Pitchford
Cary, North Carolina
[email protected]

Will Ware
Cookeville. Tn.
12-1-96 Anaplastic.large cell, intermediate, 1-E, "T-cell". Treated with CHOP & Rad. Married, 2 adult children

Joyce Mackenroth
Toledo, Oregon
12/96 Found tumor in December one week before Christmas. After two biopsies found of have a low grade small fallicular cleave cell that was 2"x3"x7" in size. Took combination of prednisone and lukeran chemo for 14 months taking 20 pills a day for 5 days each month. Quit taking chemo in April of 98' when it was discovered turmor had quit shrinking. Tumor is located wrapped around my aeorta in my abdominal cavity. No other treatment was even considered because of the locatio n. Waiting for results from current Ct scan. Married for 29 years and 9 months to Glen.  Have one daughter who is 16 years old.  Mother just died 2 weeks ago of pancreatic cancer which also killed her father and one sister.
[email protected]

Russell R. Sutton, Jr.
Silver Spring, MD
5/98 Diffuse Large B-Cell, Intermediate Grade, Stage IBe, primary tumor left maxillary sinus, questionable node under left arm.  Planned Tx: CHOP x 6, methotrexate x 6 via Omaya shunt, and radiation x 20. Live alone - 2 children boy 16 and girl 14, this disease really showed me the love that my children, mom, sister, brother have for me.  It is tough to cope without them it would be tougher.  I love you all!
[email protected]

Evelyn MacDonald
May 2 1950
Calgary, Alberta
April 1, 1995 non hodgkins lymphoma stage 3,not sure about the cell type, very aggressive 2 high dose chemo treatments and a stem cell transplant. in remission since fall of 1995. Married, two sons Dave and JEff ages 25 and 20.
[email protected]

Carolyn Hunt
Dallas TX
10/89 dx 10/89 nhl low grade small cell follicular stage II & breast cancer relapse nhl 8/92 stage III interferon for nhl since dx, bilateral mascetomy and reconstruction for bc married Howard 2/1/63, 4 sons: Mark b7/12/70, Matthew b8/5/72 d8/23/85(CF), Mason b5/8/74 d5/14/74, Miles b5/8/94


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