NHL Who's who

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Date DX Cancer Details Family Details

Janet Nightingale
West Midlands UK
June 1939

(Lost her fight in 2001)

Dec 1996 Diagnosed with large splenic involvement: Mixed Follicular NHL stage III. 

Eight chemotherapies then remission for three + years. New biopsy revealed Hodkin's, which they now think I had all along!

May 2000 radiation therapy for Hodgkin's. Hopefully good prognosis.  Staying with my NHL friends.
Janet passed away in March of 2001

Husband John, and children David working in London UK, and Mary (aka Katherine) working in Bristol UK.
[email protected]

Patricia Woodside
August, 1958
May, 1996 Diagnosed 5'96 Lo grade follicular small cleaved cell nhl stage IV. Have recieved 8 cycles of COP.  Relapse 1'97 8 cycles fludarabine and interferon as maintaince for 6 months when I relapsed in fatty tissue in my back and my saliva glands 5'98.Currently in Bexxar clinical trial where I received the cold antibody. Was told I was in complete remission 3'99. Happily married to Wayne for the past 16 years. We have two children at home ages 13 and 8.  Wayne has a daughter who is 24 with 2 little sons of her own :).
[email protected]
Sharon Haney
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
January/98 NHL- Low Grade, Follicular Mixed Small Cleaved & Large Cell Type, B-Cell Phenotype Received 7 treatments - scans clear 6/98 - two more treatments left. Married, to Gary, 1 son chris age 27 - 2 step children and 9 grandchildren.
[email protected]

Leslie Park
Vancouver, Washington
Last week of November 97 My husband was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell NHL and he has completed 6 rounds of CHOP two weeks ago. The tumors in his lower back and arm was gone after his 4th tx, but the oncologist was not convinced about his spleen so two more treatments were required. We find out this week if he needs additional tx since he had his CT-SCAN taken last week. The nausea is the hardest thing for him to deal with, even with Kytril, Compazine, and Ativan.  
[email protected]

Bonnie Robinette
Anderson, Indiana
12/94 I was diagnosed with B-cell Low grade, stage 3 NHL. Started chemotherapy in January of 1995, treatment concluded in August. Took several radiation treatments. Happy to say I have been in full remission since October of 95. I have been married to my highschool sweethart for thirty years.  We have 2 children, a boy and a girl, both married and on their own. I have been a christian for most of my life and I know that God has had a hand in my recovery.
[email protected]

Stormy Summers
Plainview, Tx
11/19/97 Low grade, follicular NHL Stage IV, Mixed Cell. Was un-dx'd for 3 years. Widowed, no living children.
[email protected]

Serfino Robles
Cleveland, Ohio
4/98 NHL, lg cell, diffuse, B cell, aggressive, high grade, stage II. Married, 2 grown sons, 6 grandchildren, no family history of cancer.

[email protected]

Kathy Bryant
Sacramento, California
04-15-83 I have low grade small cell diffuse (in 83 was called lymphocytic lymphoma).  I was in the w&w mode for 15 years. October, 1998 I began a round of Rituxan only.  My white count had begun grownig quickly and all lymph nodes had slowly bulked. Good results but not long lasting. Sept '99 began Fludurabine with Novantrone, nodes had again gotten very big. 11/99 Fludura doing a good job so far.  married 29 years, no kids, currently preschool director.
[email protected]

Leann Steele
1306 N. Saunders Ave.
1/98 Strong family history of NHL in maternal line. At present, mom (71) just DX III-B had 2 TX of CPV. Has had many hospital admissions including today. More tests being done to try to determine if there is something else going on. Aunt Pat, (61) first DX 1988 NHL has had 2 remissions, now has progressed to Myleoplastic Syndrome (not sure of the spelling of this one), needed a BMT, mother was perfect match, but can't. Aunt Pat is no longer a candidate, been given 18 months max. Cousin Sherry (55) just completed her second BMT, home now but returning for TX every two weeks. Two others had undefined Cancers, but suspicious of NHL. Married 31 years to high school sweetheart, son 27, married with one beautiful daughter, Leah age 2 1/2, and expecting in late May. Daughter-in-law in pre-term labor this last week and in the hospital. Home now but still at high risk. We also have a daughter, 22 who has Manic-Depressive Disorder and lives in a 24 hour staffed home in a nearby town. Both of our children are adopted and I am an only child. Mother has been living with us since she left the hospital in late January, but may be going into a Nursing facility temperarily for closer observation. This distresses me greatly, but realize that it may be necessary. We have a new Shih-Tzu puppy named Muffy-Tzu. Has been a delight to our family after the lost of our beloved Missy (Applehead Siamese) last year.
[email protected]

Bud Smith
Salisbury, Masschusetts
Oct 1995 NHL low grade, small cleaved B-cell follicular Lymphoma. My Chemo may not be working being reassessed for change in medication after x-rays an Cat-Scan Married wife Paula,daughter Rachel 18 son Adam 22 grandaughter faith 1-1/2
[email protected]

Kathy Fischer
[email protected]

Gerald D. Jones (Jerry)
Lakewood, Ca
April 1996 Dx'ed in April 96, with NHL, Low Grade, follicular, Stage IV, with bone marrow involvement.  In Fall of 97, did 6 rounds of CVP, Lymphoma came back in April 98.   In Fall of 98 did 6 rounds of CHOP, In winter of 99 did 5 rounds of Rituxan.   April 99, I went through a Stem Cell transplant.  Given an all clear in September of 99.  April 2000, lymphoma is back, now on a watch and wait approach for the time being.  Thinking about doing a mini BMT with a brother or sisters marrow if they match.  I'm begining to not like the month of April.  God Bless all of you. Wife (Lanie) of 14 years and two children and two dogs, the rabbit passed away from old age. 
[email protected]

Diane P.

8/97 Friends husband was diagnosed with Stage 111, indolent follicular lymphoma. Doctors adopted a W & W attitude, but tumors began growing rapidly in December. Have had one round of chemo. Would appreciate ANY information or words of wisdom.  
[email protected]

Tim E. Renzelmann
Sheboygan, WI 53081
May 11, 1992 Originally diagnosed in 5/92 just a few months after completing a personal best marathon of 2:20:39 (what turned out to be my last attempt at qualifying for the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials). Completed combination CHOP chemo/radiation. Experienced remission. Experienced recurrence 12/96. Extensive tumor involvement. Additional chemo has reduced tumor involvement. Currently in a "watch & wait" stage while exploring options (i.e., BMT, MAb treatment). Met my wife-to-be just weeks before diagnosed. Married Shel in October, '94. Adopted son, Lucas, in '95. Have two stepdaughters (Jennifer & Kaitlyn). Although the cancer experience has provided many challenges in our lives I feel it has also brought with it many opportunities and blessings. I have, since recurrence, developed a relationship with God for the first time in my adult life. I believe strongly in the healing powers of faith, optimism and humor!
[email protected]

Kathy Fischer
St Louis, MO
4/13/94 Intermediate grade NHL, Follicular and diffuse, large (cleaved) cell type, Stage I Diagnosed after surgical removal of lump in left groin that was supposed to be a hernia repair. Finished 6 rounds of CHOP on 8/31/94. No further lumps or symptoms since.  
[email protected]

Scott M. Bodien
Seattle, WA
12/4/96 Stage I High Grade Burkitt's (small noncleaved) Two rounds ProMACE-CYTABOM, Radiation, and auto-BMT in May '96 familydetails single, still in school  
[email protected]

Gail Burchett
Oxnard, CA
3/97 NHL follicular, small cleaved, Stage III, W&W familydetails Husband,Charles Francis  
[email protected]

Bethany R. Levrault
Dad's Age:52; My Age:23
Lakeville, MA
8/29/97 Dad has large B-cell, Stage II., Intermediate/High grade Lymphoma; Completed 6 Rounds of CHOP; Due to start VP-16 x 3 on 2/2/98. Tumor mass decreased dramatically, but spleen involvement still present. Onward to whatever lies next. It's just me, my Mom, and my Dad. Mom was dx. with Stage II. ductal carcinoma (breast cancer) in July, 1997. Currently undergoing chemo (C and A for 4 cycles; Taxol for 4 cycles). As for me, I'm looking for a job. We are doing better...
[email protected]

Karen, Girlfriend Of Mike
Omaha, NE
Jan. 1995 Diffuse Large Cell-Immunoblastic-High Grade-B-Cell CNOP 2/6/95, 2/27/95, 3/20/95 recurred while in treatment. Promace/MOPP- 4/13/95, 4/20/95, 5/4/95 Had problem with non-specific lung damage. recovered. Hi-dose Chemo W/ bone marrow transplant-start 6/19/95, transplant 6/27/95, released from UNMC 7/14/95 Radiation to pelvis-4000R 8/1/95 to 9/8/95 Lymphoma recurred, start new chemo- 11/13/95 Mitoxantrone-Fludura- 11/13/95k 12/4/95, 12/28/95, 1/17/96, 2/12/96, Lymphoma recurre 3/11/96 while undergoing chemo. confirmed by CAT scan. VP-16/Carboplatinum-3/11/96- tumors have shrunk, hospitalized with case of shingles. CAT- Cat
[email protected]

Teri Morse
Moorhead, Minnesota
3/18/96 Low grade follicular small cleaved cell - 8 CHOP, 5 Promace Cytobom, Splenectomy, Rituxan, PSCT w/Bexxar 7/96, relapse 7/00, Rituxan, Relapse 2/01, w&w Husband Todd, 3 kids, Brian 11, Emily 7 and Michael 5, Two dogs, golden retriever "Red" and Yorkie "Rascal"
[email protected]

Bonnie Dixon
New Castle, Indiana
11/95 Follicular Mixed Cell Stage IV 1/96 CNOP/1997-Remission Married 26 years 24 year old daughter
[email protected]

Kevin L. Satterfield
Mission Viejo, 
CA Orange County
06-13-97 NHL Mantle cell(? drs still not sure) Stage IV. 7 CHOP Sessions 7 to 12/97. PBSCT coming 1/31/98 Married for 7 years to wife Gaye. Two great boys, Nathan 6 and Joshua 3.
[email protected]

Louis Petkiewicz
58, 9/15/39
Fitzwilliam, NH
1/78 Dx. 1/78 6 cycles CVP-maintence with Leukeran, V & P, remission of 9 months, 1/80 relapse-Leukeran until 1/81, remission until 11/92, treatment with CVP - 6 month remission, auto BMT 9/94, relapse 5/96,misdiagnosed until 11/96; treatment with radiation, 6 month remission, relapse, more radiation, partial remission, presently unable to make adequate blood and is on neupogen 3X/wk. procrit 2X/wk, monthly transfusions of red blood cells since September. Still working, fatigued, taking saunas, drinking grapefruit juice during the week and wine on the weekends. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Wife, Penny; daughter Stef, 20 yrs. old in college in Canada; daughter Sarah, 17 yrs. old.
[email protected]

Karen Ali
Moundsville, WV
  Stong family history of NHL. Numerous members have been diagnosed on maternal side of family Aunt Barb, NHL survivor, 2 1/2 yrs in remission. Cousin Nina, BMT 1996. Other family members not as fortunate. Married, 27 years. Husband Jim, son Jamie, 26; daughter-in-law Kim, 23; son Matt,20; and daughter Anne, 14. Also have 3 four-legged feline 'kids'.
[email protected]

Jeff & Rebecca Willey
J:1960 R:1959
Thomasville, GA
Sept. 5, 1997 Mantle cell lymphoma stage IV 3 rounds chop then switched to more aggressive Hyper CVAD/MTX Ara-C Married 13 yrs (1984)with one son (1990) Joshua and one cat, Buster.
[email protected]

Earl Erdenberger
7/11/51 (46)
Rochester, MN
12/97 NHL, Follicular Small Cleaved, Stage IV (marrow), Watch & Wait DR. J.P. Colgan, Mayo Clinic Married to Lana for 23 years, Ryan 18, and twins Kara & Kane 15
[email protected]

Frank Britton
May 16, 1955
Vancouver area
Aug 1992 High grade NHL stage 4, marrow involvment. VCOP did nothing, BMT Oct 16,92 (thanks brother Bob). Cancer free. Cured! Lost my hair, left hip. Changed blood type. Worth it! High school sweet heart Pam is my best friend and partner. Daughters 8 and 2 (wonders of wonders!!). Newest member is a '76 MotoGuzzi Police motorcycle (My 5th birthday gift to me)
[email protected]

Deborah Little, alias little d
High in the Cascade Mts. 
of WA. ST.
1/96 Follicular, large cell, intermediate, stage IV NHL. Treatments: CHOP x 8 1/96-6/96. Apparent remission. Relapse 1/97. DHAP x 3, then MOAB treatment followed by Cytoxin & VP-16, then Auto- p. stem cell rescue. Apparent remission. .^) Married
[email protected]

Nicole Dorman
Puyallup, WA
7/4/97 Finally dx with Large diffuse B cell, intermediate grade lymphoma, stage 4A with involvement of medistinum (primary site), 1 lung, pancreas, both kidneys, and abdominal lymph nodes. Paralyzed frenic nerve causes chronic shortness of breath. It took 8 doctor visits to find the beast! Treated with 8 rounds of CHOP, now waiting for the best. 1 great daughter (Courtney,16) an indispensible shih tzu (Chyna), and numerous helpful extended family members and friends.
[email protected]

Dixie Renee Fleming
Converse, TX
Feb 1995 Diffuse Large Cell NHL, Stage IV B, originally presenting in the mediastinum and with pulmonary nodules. Treatment - 8 cycles of CHOP and 6 weeks of radiation. Have been in remission since Nov 95. Married 8 years to Perry. We have two beautiful daughters, Alison-5 yrs and Katelyn-3yrs. My plans are to raise my children and grow old with my husband
[email protected]

Valerie Krustev
41 29/4/56
Johannesburg, South Africa
7/95 NHL Small Cell Follicular. Stage IV (liver and bone marrow involvement) Married with 3 children: Graeme age 17; Neil age 15 and daughter Kim age 13
[email protected]

Bobbie Thoerner
Everson, WA
10-16-97 Diagnosed with Stage I follicular lymphoma. Only symptom was a swelling in the sub-mandibular region of the neck. Starting 5 weeks of radiation therapy Dec. 15. Still can't believe they have the right person. Married to the most wonderful man for 17 years. Mother of Evan, a gifted and talented musician, studing to be a producer in the recording industry. Jayson, a hard worker with a wonderful (if not kooky) wife who addores him. Roby, a young man who is still trying to find himself and who I have an enormous amount of faith in. Two cats, Mia and Shelby who are getting tired of me talking to them since my youngest boy moved out on is own.
[email protected]

Pete Brosseau
Zionsville, IN

03/97 When I had the gall bladder removed in early '97, a tumor was discovered in the small intestine and diagnosed as NHL, low grade, B cell, follicular, CD20 marker, stage3. I did a watch and wait for 2 years then went on Chlorambucil for a year and was declared in remission (2/00). On 8/15/00 the CAT scan showed activity, same sites, no metastasis, no marrow involvement. My next scan will be 02/01....back to W/W ...... Married 38 years, have 2 children and 3 grand-daughters.
[email protected]

Jack Suehr
Battle Creek, MI
Sept 95 Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma, Stage II, intermediate grade. 8 treatments of CHOP. Have Been in remission since April 1996. Tumor was "Dissolved" after 3rd treatment. Married, Two children; Girl 7, and a boy 5.
[email protected]

Michael Schneider
Oshawa, Ontario Canada
  Father of David who was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma 21-10-96, relapsed 26-06-97. David received treatment at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.


David passed away in 1998

Married to Joyce and father of Mary as well as David. David is a gifted artist with a humourous streak. Mary and David are the proud owners of Cuddles and Butterscoth - the wonder cats. Joyce's e-mail is '""[email protected] while Mary and David share an e-mail assress of "the [email protected]"
[email protected]

Theresa Doede
33 Years Old
San Jose, CA
8-28-97 I found a small lump on the left front of my neck on August 4th, 1997. An ultrasound, CT scan and biopsy later, I was diagnosed with large-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. My oncologist said it was high grade lymphoma that acts as an intermediate. She called it immunoblastic. I will have my 4th CHOP treatment this Friday, the 14th. My tumors started shrinking after the second treatment. Currently taking Compazine and Ativan for nausea. They helped at first, but not any longer. I have been married for 10 1/2 years to Kevin. I have three daughters: Chelsea 7, KD (Katie) 3, and Sydney 1. We have a pot belly pig-Nicholas, a beautiful black lab-Midnight, and when I'm done with chemo, we will have a kitty named Comfort.
[email protected]

Lynnie Bleeker
Reynoldsburg, OH
1996 low grade nhl, watching and waiting husband, Gary, kids Rob 19, Kathleen16 1 cat Ziggy
[email protected]

Roxann Fraioli
121 Brookwood Road Mercerville, NJ
12/27/95 small lymphocytic cell lymphoma (aggressive) - low grade - stage 3A. Eight treatments of CHOP. Still have cancer in my bone marrow. Was to have a BMT in October of 96 - since none of my siblings matched me, the Univ of Pennsylvania decided to wait. They are hoping that researchers will determine a better way to purge the bone marrow. single
[email protected]

Kim Mastrone
Bel Air, MD
March 22,1997 Stage I, "large cell lymphoma" (meaning they are not sure). 1 cycle CHOP, 6 cycles PROMACE CYTALBOM, starting 4 wks radiation Oct 7th. Married to Nick, one year in May.
[email protected]

Barbara Zierten
San Francisco, California
7/2/97 T-cell rich pelvic mass, large cell type B; low grade small cleaved cell type B-cell. #4 out of #6 CHOP-tumor shrinking. One husband John, caretaking, one grown son fretting, three cats a-snuggling and a silly Golden Retriever in a pear tree

Lombard, IL
8/2/97 Dad is being treated for a Malt Lymphoma localized to the larynx with radiation. At one point the dx was Mantle Cell and it really has still not been confirmed as to what he has. Married for almost 25 years now. Two sons 23 and 15
[email protected]

Kathy Haley
Columbus, Ohio
9/95 Low grade, stage IV, on W & W Husband, Richard

[email protected]

Jeannine Lisitski Lopez
30 yrs. old
7/10/97 large, diffuse, B cell, intermediate grade, stage three/four NHL, seven rounds CHOP, two rounds high dose chemo, autologous stem cell transplant, radiation to the mediastinal area, in complete remission! Married on 6/28/98 to the love of my life, Edwin Lopez, who surprised me with his awesome unconditional love! One little doggie named Sassy- our cocker spaniel.
[email protected]

Hugh Semple
October 10, 1951
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
June 5/97 T-cell-rich large B cell lymphoma, tx CHOP every 3 weeks for 6 treatments, starting June 9/97. Wife, Merrill, sons Blair, 10, and Mitchell, 4, daughter Isabelle, 4, Mitch & Isha are twins.
[email protected]

Clare Johnston
Charleston, SC
Jan 1995 non-cutaneous angiocentric T-cell Lymphona(CHOP, radiation) relapse  
[email protected]

Tim Sheahan
47, 9/21/49
Herndon, VA
12/95 follicular small cleaved & monocytoid bceIl, IV-B, 8 rounds of CHOP  
[email protected]

Patricia, Rettew
Jonestown, PA
6/96 Low grade small cleaved follicular lymphoma, bulky disease, Stage 1E. 7/97 CVP 6 rounds, 1/97 Fludarabine 6 rounds, 10/97 Auto Stem Cell Transplant, 3/98 Mild Abdominal Radiation, 10/01, currently in remission Married Rick 29 Yrs, Son Matthew-20, Daughter Ashley 17, Grandaughter Tacey 3
[email protected]

Arlington, Virginia
May 14, 1997 Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma, High Grade, Stage IIIB; started  
[email protected]

Gary Rolstad
Slidell, Louisiana
10/95 Small Cell, follicular, Low Grade, Stage IIIB, CHOP 12/95-4/96, 6 cy  
[email protected]

Vicki Radonich
Anchorage, Alaska
4/4/97 Burkitts 10/84 cured! Now low grade scc stage 2 w/radiation  
[email protected]

Sandy Wells
9-15-Must I Tell?
512 327 8095
10/94 Small, follicular, Stage III Husband, Bruce. Sons Rob (20), Bruce (18), Chris (16)
[email protected]

Clare Johnston
54, 4/30/43
Charleston, SC
Jan 1995 angiocentric non-cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Husband Jim, 3 daughters (36, 32, 27) and 1 son (30), 3 lovable dogs. Reading, traveling, watercolor painting. Tour Guide.
[email protected]

Patty Hutson
Indianapolis, Indiana
6-9-95 NHL-low-grade-stage-4-small-cell...watch and wait until April 1997 - 2 months Leukeran and Prednisone - 3 cycles Fludarabine...one more cycle to go...then back to watch and wait, i hope married to hubby jack for 44 years, 2 sons and 6 grandchildren...one beautiful siamese cat called kisha, a rather large siberian husky named cody and baby our loving and gentle mixed breed...
[email protected]

Cynthia A. Gordon
Denver, CO.
Dec. 1995 Mediastinal diffuse large cell lymphoma, intermediate grade, stage II Single, no kids, most of family lives here in denver
[email protected]

Drew Scalzi
Homer, Alaska
10/4/95 NHL mixed nodular small cleaved B cell - stage 2/radiation  
[email protected]

Debbie Hebert
Calgary, Alberta Canada
September 1996 Stage 2, Large diffuse cell NHL discovered in the abdomen. Completed 8 rounds of CHOP in March 1997. Married. Have a 4 year old daughter.
[email protected]

Jesus Favela Flores
43, August 1956
San Antonio, TX
March 94 Low-Grade NHL, Chemo, Relapse, More Chemo, Full Body Radiation, BMT Three angels living with me, my wife Gelina, Ade my daughter, Javier my son and can't forget our Taco Bell Dog, Chille!
[email protected]

Mel Keenan
53, May 1948
Caledonia, NY
Jan 97 Low Grade follicular small cleaved stage III. 
2000 - CVP x 6 / Rituxan x 8 / back to w&w
"married with children"
[email protected]

Helen P. Lewis
Chandler, AZ
11/95 Low Grade NHL,Sm Cell 4B CVP, CHOP, Fludaribine waiting BMT Husband Levi, three sons, three grandsons
[email protected]

Gary W Tuosto
  NHL stage 4b - High grade Periph- T cell NOS married, 3 yr old, 4 yr old
[email protected]

Helen Phillips Brown
Lakewood, Colorado

9/95 Stage IV small, indolent, non-cleaved; chlorambucil; CVP; Rituxan - 1998; FND - x8 1999; no treatment in 2000!!! last CT 12/00 stable; next CT April 2001 single; 2 sons 35 and 33; twin daughters 31; 3 grandchildren
[email protected]

Helen Linton
9/93 NHL, stage II A, Immunoblastic married to Tom son - Andrew, daughter - Jennifer
[email protected]

Judith Lear
10/94 NHL Stage IV -low grade CLL stage 1 Married - 10 yrs
son - 17, son - 2
[email protected]

Paul & Connie Corder
Atlanta, GA
? NHL stage IV - low grade, small cleaved, diffuse, Emphysema married, Daughter
[email protected]

Logan, Utah
7/96 NHL stage II, lymphoblastic lymphoma married - 3 yrs to Bruce, nephew Nick
[email protected]

Don Sterner
55, 8/19/1941

  Rare Pancreatic lymphoma. Single large tumor (7.5cm) was removed at MD Anderson during "Whipple" surgery on May 12,1995. I've fought one weird complication after another since the surgery. Permanently disabled. Pre-cancer weight was 205#, now struggle to maintain 125-130#. Married for 11 years (this time). Three sons, ages 22, 38 & 40. For the past five years or so I have been a list owner for several ACOR email lists, including PANCREAS-ONC - the list for those dealing with pancreatic cancer. Although mine was an oddball kind of pancreatic cancer, most of my treatments & symptoms are identical to pancreatic cancer. I have been extremely fortunate.
[email protected]

Pam Honsinger
Cave Creek, AZ, USA
37, 1/18/60
N/A   Husband: Paul. Kids: Andrew, 14; Ben, 12; Sarah, born 4/10/96
[email protected]

9/92 NHL low grade B cell mostly follicular small cleaved / large cleaved -- mixed Div

Marcie & David Wolper, 
David is caregiver
Marcie 4-13-55
1-31-96 Intermediate, diffuse large cell, stage 4, bone marrow involvement 7 kids, 5 of whom are under 13 Married 24 years (to each other)
[email protected]

Oakland, New Jersey
1969 large cell aggressive nhl. high dose radiation/mayo clinic active lowgrade since 1986. no treatment, conservative /integrative approach.

10/97: triple bypass / avr for radiation - induced heart disease.

married, three precious daughters ages 21, 19, 10.
[email protected]

Louise Williams
Edgewater, MD
3/96 I was dx 3/96.  My hairdresser originally found a knot on the back of my head.  Stage was low-grade, stage 3.  I started CHOP in 7/96 and achieved a remission.  I have blood tests every 4 months.  In March 2000 I had a ct scan which showed a swollen lymph node in my groin.  It had been a year since my previous scan. 
Update 7/2000.  It's official.  I have relapsed.  The Rituxan didn't give me the outcome I hoped for but it did keep the nodes in my lung from growing. However, at my last visit in April 2002, my oncologist said they have started to grow again, albeit slightly. He is checking into Zevalin for me. I go back to see him in July so it doesn't sound like he is in a big hurry.

Since January groin nodes grew quite substantially.  Doctor recommended radiation which I had in May and June.  Nodes were gone in 2 treatments...but I had to have 23 more.  I had quite a few side effects from the radiation which the radiologist said were NOT related to radiation.  Immediately afterwards I got what I thought were bug bites in groin area and on my left breast.  Had them biopsied and it is lymphoma.  Also after my ct scan I now have considerable lymph node involvement in my abdomen and near my kidneys.  My oncologist is taking the info to Hopkins for a consult with the lymphoma specialists.  Not sure what next treatment will be.

Max, my little 5 year old Yorkie, had to be put down after he had advanced kidney disease. I was in total shock because he was so young. I now have an 8 month old Maltese, named Luna.

John Ramser
Pittsburg, PA
1/96 Diffusd small cleaved cell Stage IIIa, CHOP
    John passed away on January 11, 2001
married 42 years
5 children
[email protected]

Hoboken, New Jersey
9/2/96 Stage IIIa Small cleaved cell follicular  
[email protected]

Joan Ramos
Seattle, Washington
2-14-96 Monocytoid B-cell low grade stage IV-B) married
Lia 17, Jesse 15
[email protected]

St Petersburg FL
[email protected]

Sol Katz
49, 8/3/47
Denver CO
5/91 NHL stage IV, cap/bop 5 years ago. Married Hedy, 27 years, Shanna 11, Risa 7
[email protected]

Carolyn Boeri
50, 1/11/47
12/27/96 low grade stage IV, B-cell, follicular, differeniated, cleaved cell NHL married 28 yrs
ages 27, 26, and 21
[email protected]

Anne Atkinson
51, 19 Oct 45
Perth, Western Australia
18 Apr 91 Follicular small cleaved nhl with spondyloarthropathy dx in September 1994 married separated for 10 years.
Son Julian is 25
Daughter Zoe is 24

[email protected]

Judy Weinstein
Evanston, IL
(just north of Chicago)

May 1992 Started as low grade, follicular, small cleaved cell. Several relapses. Bone marrow wiped out by combo of past treatments and Zevalin trial.

Pancytopenia since Jan 2001 treated by frequent blood and platelet transfusions.NHL transformed to large cell in Jan 2002.Past treatments include: Chlorambucil + prednisone; Fludaribine;2-CDA (cladribine); splenectomy;CVP; Rituxan; Zevalin

Currently experimenting with creative low-dose chemo mixes my doc and I make up, since my blood counts are too low for most treatments.(Doxil, vincristine, prednisone and Rituxan) May switch from Doxil to Cytoxin in next variation. VP-16 has also been mentioned as a possibility

daughter Erin, 22, at Reed College in Portland, OR and
son Steve, 20, at Columbia College in Chicago
[email protected]

Linda K. Zwick
Lawrenceburg, IN
(on the 'beautiful Ohio River)
4/7/47 (1/2 Century!)
9/96 Mother of adult child with nhl(aggressive, intermediate, Stage IV) Three children, Alice 32
Deby (nhl diagnosed 9/96), 29
Michael, 26
E-mail Christy

Christy Sorrels
Fort Worth, Texas

Date dx: 7/96 NHL Stage 3-4, Low Grade, follicular mixed cell, non-cleaved single, no kids
[email protected]

native of the Caribbean
    single with no children.

Ron Ermann
Chalfont, Pa.
March 95 NHL intermediate large cell diffuse stage IV. 

Ron died in 1999

married since 1983 (Mary) 2 kids (danny 7 yrs old and Alyssa 4 years old).

Arnold Start
155 Whites Line East
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
12/96 Dx 12/96 large cell NHL, stage IVB. Tumours in spleen (removed surgically) and two on right lung. CHOP tx for 5 cycles - remission 05/97. 02/98 NHL large cell has emerged again, this time in the CNS. Tx commenced 31/01/98 - Methotrexate by lumbar puncture - once per week, and radiation therapy to the head and neck, every day for 4 weeks. Arnold died in 1999.  
[email protected]

Carolyn Greer Outlaw
Broxton, GA 31519
Mother dx'd in Jan, 4,1996 My mother(84) has NHL, Int., Stage IVA, large cell diffuse 10 year old daughter
married for 12 years
[email protected]

Laurie Klem
Buffalo, NY
41-LAK, 44-Paul
11/6/96 Husband Paul has NHL, StageIV
small & lrg diffused
aggressive, bcell
Married for 17 years
Nicole 14
Christopher 7.
[email protected]

Pete Wanford
42 / 3 June 54
March 1995 Low grade follicular NHL stage 2a Married to Christine
Emma 16
Katy 13
Andrew & Rachel 10
Hannah & Sarah 5
[email protected]

Don Leslie
August 1942
Aug 1996 nhl low grade, Stage IVA, mixed follicular.  CHOP x 8 from Sept 96 to Feb 97.  Partial remission.    Now W&W Wife Beverley (Dec 7/41)
sons Ted (1966), Gordon (1969), Philip (1974 - has Down Syndrome)
[email protected]

H. Belm
68(69 in March)

Nov 1995 Low grade follicular lymphoma
stage 4, B cell,
Scott Pallack
Las Vegas, NV
22 May 1954
8/96 T-Cell Rich
Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Stage IVB
single, no known progeny.
[email protected]

Alan Linsky
Kaneohe, Hawaii
1/13/97 Low Grade NHL, stage 1
lymph node removed
completed radiation
am cured (I hope)
Married, 2 daughters
Amelia 6
Miranda 4
[email protected]

Elizabeth Angela Graham
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
42 yrs
May 22, 1996 Large cell, diffuse NHL
B cell
Clear CT Oct./96
2 daughters (21 & 18)
Mom dx Aug/96
[email protected]

Juneau, Alaska
6/88 Husband dx with small cell
poorly differentiated NHL
CVP and BMT in 88-89
relapse 10/91-CHOP
relapse 12/96
no treatment options
Married, one child age 10
Frank Britton
Surrey, British Columbia
Aug 10 1992 Cronic cough, weight loss stage 4, high grade nhl Married to Pam high school sweetheart.
[email protected]

Catherine Clute & Michael O'Connor
Robinson's Corner, Nova Scotia

Jan 25/97 low grade small cell
diffuse/mixed Stage I a
married 12 years
Daniel (age 3)
the light of our life!


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