Questionnaire Summary



1. Parents Nationality?

English/German (x2) German/Irish
English/Scottish/Spanish/Mexican French Canadian
English/Rhodesian German/French/Scotch-Irish
Italian (x3) Italian/French/Irish/English
American (x18) Irish (x2)
English/Irish Hungarian (x2)
Polish/Irish English
Irish/German/English (x2) Euro-American
Canadian (x3) Colombian
German/Dutch Russian/German-Irish
German/Polish Australian
Irish/French/English Mixed Caucasian
Swedish Cuban/Latino
Polish Scottish
Caucasian (x2) French/Irish

2. Grandparents Nationality?

American (x8) British (x2)
Irish/English English/German (x2)
Scottish/Irish/German Italian (x3)
Polish/Irish German/French/Scotch-Irish
Canadian/American English/French Canadian
Polish/English/Irish German-Irish/English
Irish/English/German Hungarian (x2)
English/Scottish/Spanish/Mexican Romanian/Ukranian
English/S. African Italian/Italian-French-Irish-English
German/Irish Irish (x2)
Canadian German/Dutch
Euro-American Russian/German-Irish
French Canadian German/Polish/French/Scottish/Irish
Celt Belgium
Colombian Australian
German Russian/American
Irish/French/Native American Cuban/Latino
Mixed Caucasian Polish
American/Russian/Romanian Caucasian (x2)
Swedish Swedish/Irish
Scottish/English English/Swiss/German/Wales

3. Any family history of Lymphoma?

Yes - 9
No - 50

4. Any family history of cancer?

Yes - 40
No - 18

5. If yes, what is the number in the past two generations?

1 (x3) 5 (x3)
2 (x21) 6
3 (x5) 12
4 (x6) 1 grandparent and several cousins

6. Any family history of depression?

Yes - 25
No - 34



1. What is your personality type?

Extrovert - 9
Average - 41
Introvert - 9

2. How often do you express anger?

Often - 3 
Average - 21
Rarely - 34
Never - 0

3. Are you a positive thinker?

Often - 26
Average - 29
Rarely - 3
Never - 0

4. Are you a happy person?

Often - 24
Average - 32
Rarely - 3
Never - 0

5. Do you harbor negative feelings?

Yes - 28
No - 32

6. Do you suffer from depression?

Yes - 19
No - 40

7. Are you the jealous type?

Often - 1
Average - 9
Rarely - 39
Never - 9

8. How well do you deal with basic stress?

Excellent - 11
Good - 24
Fair - 24
Poor - 0

9. Are you a perfectionist?

Yes - 29
No - 30


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