
Upcoming Events

Got a group event you want to advertise click the link below to let the web master know.

Here are some pictures of our various gathering and get togethers. We are not just a bunch of patients and caregivers. We are a family and getting together from time to time is one of our favourite pastimes. Here are some pictures of our gatherings. The ones that say LRF (Formerly LRFA)  followed by a year, represent our gatherings at the annual LRF convention, when thousands of people gather each year to hear presentations on the most current research, therapy, coping skills and more.


NHL Cyberfamily fun gatherings
The Washington March 1998 Light the night walk 2000
Weehawken 1998 Las Vegas 2000
Buffalo 1999 Québec City 2002
Team in training 2000 Miscellaneous gatherings
Lymphoma Research Foundation Forums
Manhattan Beach CA, (LRFA 1999) Chicago (LRF 2001)
Brooklyn (LRFA  2000) Los Angeles (LRF 2002)
Washington DC (LRF 2003)