Richard P. Reagan

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Richard Phillip Reagan

Texas flag


In loving memory of Phil Reagan April 27, 1942 - March 18, 2003 Lubbock, Texas


Today my family & I, together with a multitude of friends, celebrated the life of an American Hero who defended the peace of our nation. In his most recent battle, he was a great Warrior who fought, with dignity & honor; never complaining. He endured tremendous pain while remaining grateful, humble & gracious; never letting each of us forget how very precious we were to him. A great Warrior knows when the time has come for surrender, however. For my father...the surrender came with incredible honor. His opponent; metastatic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma...his family's opponent, as well, for we fought alongside him; the love of his life gently leading at point; his three children ever standing watch; God constantly holding each of us within the palm of His loving hand. As I stood beside his flag-draped casket & sang of God's "Amazing Grace", I looked into the eyes of Dad's devoted wife & those of my brother & sister & felt a tremendous pride. The day after my father's surrender, our country went to war to defend is what I've learned from all of this...never take any minute of any day for granted.


Richard Phillip Reagan, I salute you. You fought rest well, Daddy. I love you...Juli  


Juliann M. Reagan