Austin Melchor

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Austin (Peewee) Melchor

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In Loving Memory of Austin Melchor: September 14, 1986 - November 18, 2001 


Austin Melchor
On top of the world

The Peemeister
Austin Melchor
Austin and Abriel
Austin Melchor
The cowboy Austin
Austin Melchor
Peewee and Shaun 

"....from beginning diagnosis to his death he never cried or asked "why me". At the end when he was still conscious and we were all around his bed weeping and sobbing, he would tease us about it, make the gestures like he was crying, and then smile. He wanted to make us laugh. He was, and is, the bravest person I have ever known."


Brenda Melchor (Peewee's mom)

[email protected]