

Index of links
Click on a subject to go to that section of links

Bloodwork Haematopathology Medical Reference
Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplants Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 101
Cancer Organizations NHL Aggressive / Intermediate
Cancer Treatment Centers NHL - Indolent
Chemo / Radiation NHL - Mantle Cell
Complementary Therapies Pathology
Conventional Treatments (including MoAb's) Pharmaceutical companies     
Clinical trials        Radiation principles
Drugs Survivor Homepages
Journal Links Finding a doctor


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Bloodwork - Haematopathology

American Society of Hematology
Amazing resource for finding abstracts on the latest breakthroughs in NHL research

Haematopathology tutorial
A technical but fascinating lesson in pathology of lymph nodes

How to monitor your bloodwork
Like the title says, a good resource for finding out what all those numbers mean

Introduction to the Hematopoietic System
Everything you ever wanted to know about how your blood works, lives and dies.

Bone Marrow Transplants

Rush Cancer Institute (Chicago) virutual tour of a transplant
An excellent explanation of the whole procedure. Great for both a patient who is about to undergo a transplant or for friend's/family who want to understand it better.

Bone marrow transplant Table of Contents
A comprehensive on-line book about the whole Bone Marrow Transplant procedure

BMT news
The home page for the above book, and a good resource for breaking news on BMT's

National marrow donor program
The web site for the U.S. national marrow registry program.

Cancer Organizations

Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) 
Probably one of the best links to visit again and again. They offer an amazing variety of services

Lymphoma focus (broadcast branch of LRF)
The on-line web cast branch of the LRF. Great place to find interviews with leading researchers

HealthTalk Interactive Lymphoma Education Network
An excellent resource full of streaming interviews, breaking news and research publications about NHL

Lymphoma Foundation Canada
The Canadian sister organization of the LRF, specific to Canadians

American Cancer Society
A great place to look for information on all types of cancer, resources, support and more.

Hospice Net
An excellent resource for patients and families facing life threatening illness. They have excellent tools for dealing with end of life issues, grief and hospice care.

Association of Cancer on-line resources
A good resource for support and discussion groups, and many other cancer resources

Dream Foundation
Like the childrens "Make a wish" foundation, this group grants dreams to terminally ill adults 

The Leukemia and Lymphoma society
The name says it all

Cancerbacup - UK
The leading cancer information site in the UK. Excellent resource for anyone from anywhere

Hodgkin's disease mail list
A mailing/support list for those dealing with Hodgkin's disease

Shared experience cancer support
A site where you can share your Cancer experiences with others, and read their stories

Research fund for Waldenstroms
A web site dedicated to providing information about Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia

Cancer Treatment Centers

The Mayo Clinic

MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston)

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York)

Dana Farber ( Boston)

Princess Margaret (Toronto)

Sunnybrook (Toronto)

BC Cancer Agency (Vancouver, Fraser Valley, and Victoria)

City of Hope Cancer Center (Duarte California)

Chemo / Radiation

Cancer info for patients
An excellent place to find out information about what to expect when you have radiation treatments to specific areas of your body

Facts about Intravenous catheter lines
A good place to learn about catheters

IV source book
A good place to get a look at the various ports etc. This is not really a patient web site, but a place where they sell ports and other supplies

BC cancer agency chemotherapy protocol information
Perhaps one of the best places to find detailed information about specific chemo protocols

Lab tests online
A great site to learn about many medical tests, not just cancer specific tests. It explains very well, how the tests are done, what they are for and what results to expect.

Complimentary therapies

Cancer nutrition center
A site to help you learn about proper nutrition when dealing with Cancer

DHEA homepage
The home page for people wishing to learn about dehydroepiandrosterone.

Lane labs
A company that sells complementary products

BC cancer agency - alternative therapies
Information about many of the leading alternative cancer  therapies from the experts.

The single most important resource for those wishing to investigate fraudulent claims, alternative therapies, quackery and more. A "must have" site for anyone wanting to know the "facts"

Medicine Walks
Hiking tours in the Swiss Alps lead by physicians. 

Conventional treatment

National Cancer Institute - Lymphoma treatment and diagnosis
The single most comprehensive site on the internet for specific, and detailed information on lymphoma and its treatment. 

An excellent site with a lot of information on the newest treatments, advocacy issues, and lymphoma in general. 

Kimball's biology pages - what are monoclonal antibodies and how do they work
An excellent explanation of how MoAB's work. Go to the home page and find information and explanations for all your biology questions. An excellent site. 

The Oncologist - MoAB therapy in lymphoid malignancies
Another excellent site that explains how Monoclonal Antibody therapies work.

Pharmaceutical companies

Each of the links below goes directly to the Pharmaceutical company listed or their web site about the specific product listed.

Aeterna Laboratories

Agouron (Pfizer) Pharmaceuticals


Idec Pharmaceuticals

Antisense Oligonucleotide Technology

Antisense technology - Isis Pharmaceuticals

Genentech / BioOncology

British biotech

Celgene Corporation

Entremed (anti-angiogenesis)

Genaera (anti-angiogenesis)


National Center for Biotechnology Information

Novaris (Gleevec)

Direct link to Gleevec



An excellent place to get highly detailed, and technical information about a prescription and non-prescription drugs. They have a very thorough database

BC cancer agency complete drug list
Also highly detailed information about cancer specific drugs

Mayo clinic drug database
Another excellent drug database

Rituxan's official web site

Interferon alfa (Intron A)
Intron A is approved for the treatment of non-hodgkins lymphoma. The goal of our site is to educate patients and their support team about INTRON A therapy, its indications, its uses, and its possible side effects.

Neupogen's (filgrastim) official web site. Neupogen is G-CSF which is a growth factor which promotes the production of neutrophils.

Leukines (Sargramostim) official web site. Leukine is GM-CSF which is another growth factor. It promotes Neutrophils, Macrophages, and dendritic cells.

Neulasta's (pegfilgrastim) official web site. (Neulasta is the longer lasting version of Neupogen)

Procrit's (Epoetin alfa) official web site

Food and Drug Administration homepage
The name says it all

CanadaRX (buy prescriptions online)
A on-line pharmacy where U.S. citizens can buy their prescription drugs from Canada at a dramatic discount over U.S. prices.

Another on-line site where U.S. citizens can buy their prescription drugs from Canada at a dramatic discount over U.S. prices

Canada PayLessRX
CanadaPaylessRx.com offers savings up to 80%+ when buying over the counter (OTC) and Prescription drugs. We also reward your patronage by allowing you to earn up to 4% on all referrals you send to our site. 

Payless meds is a Canadian on-line pharmacy where U.S. citizens may buy their OTC and  prescription medications at a significant discount over U.S. prices. 

Canada Pharmacy Express
An excellent source for great savings on discount drugs. Save up to 80% or more off pharmaceuticals in Canada. Find a simple ordering process and up to date product information

Journal Links

Each of the links below takes you to the Medical Journal named. Many of these journals offer their articles free after a period of time has elapsed from publication. The first one listed "Amedeo" publishes abstracts from hundreds of journals every week. You just select the type of cancer or disease you are interested in, and you will be presented with a list of relevant abstracts from relevant journals each week. A great place to keep up on your research. 


American Journal of Clinical Pathology


Blood, Cells, Molecules & Diseases (Journal)

British Medical Journal

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (American Cancer Society)

Journal of the American Medical Association Homepage

Journal of Clinical Oncology

The Lancet

Oncolink Journals Page

Radiation principles

Princeton University radiation basis
A good lesson on how radiation works from Princeton University

Principles of radiation therapy
Another good overview of radiation and how it works from the CancerNetwork

RadioImmunotherapy agents - How do they work
Just how do those radioactive monoclonal antibody therapies work? Click here to find out

Medical Reference

The following are all web general medical web sites that help you get answers to common medical questions and problems. 

The Oncology Interactive Education Series
A thorough CD-Rom education series.

Medscape (best overall research site)

On-line medical dictionary

American Medical Association



The MEdIC Home Page (Medical Education Information Center)

MedicineNet - A free medical reference



WebPath: The Internet Pathology Laboratory

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 101

Merck Manual

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Web Site

Patient - Centered Guide

US Food and Drug Administration-NHL

The Lymphoma Information Network

 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma – Aggressive/ Intermediate

The Merck Manual - Malignant Lymphomas

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma – Indolent

The Merck Manual - Malignant Lymphomas

The Indolent lymphomas

Cancerconsultants current news

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Mantle Cell

An amazing resource for those dealing with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. It contains extensive information

MCL Resource 
This site is a part of the MCLAid site and is its future home. However both sites are valuable all on their own.

Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Another web site dedicated to those with MCL

MD Anderson
A good place to learn what MDA is up to with respect to treating MCL


The title says it all. If you want to read about pathology, and in most cases pathology of lymph nodes, then click on any of the sites below.

Pathology of Lymph Nodes: Dr Norman Levy (Dartmouth)

Internet Resources for Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Interpretation of Lab Test Profiles

Haematopathology tutorial

Survivor Homepages

Once again the title says it all. Click any of the links below if you want to read personal stories, visit personal web sites and maybe just get to know some individuals who took the time to share their NHL experience with the world. 

Robert Miller's Lymphoma Survivor home page

Boom's NHL Lymphoblastic HomePage

Lymphomation; Patients against Lymphoma (Karl Schwartz)

Judy Gibson

Jerry Hagan

Janet Nightingale's Homepage

Stop Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Krista Jones Homepage

Tony Presley's Cancer Page

The Furry Monkey by Karen Theobald


Clinical trials

The one and only place to go to find out what clinical trials are going on anywhere in the U.S. for any type of cancer. 

Clinical Trials.gov
An official U.S. clinical trials listing. This is extremely comprehensive and also includes some international trials. 

Finding a doctor

The American board of Medical Specialties
This site allows you to find a board certified doctor in the specialty of your choice, in your state

The American Medical Association Physician select
Find a doctor by name, or specialty


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