2003 American Society of Hematology (ASH) abstracts now available!!

To read all the latest research papers on lymphoma, its behaviour, its treatments and much more, click on the link above to view this years abstracts. Of the nearly 6,000 abstracts available on line, approximately 400 of the best ones dealing directly with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma have been compiled into a fully hyperlinked document. 


Check here regularly for upcoming programs.

Should you have any questions about Ask the Doctor, please contact Michelle Davis, LRF's Patient Education Associate, at (800) 500-9976 or by email at [email protected]

BEXXAR approved by the FDA

Read the Corixa Press  Release here:

Read the FDA letter of approval here:

Relay for Life

Support your local chapter of the Cancer Society by participating in the Relay for Life fundraising program. The program is run in many countries by the local Cancer Society. Most also have a "Survivor's Victory Lap" which honours those who have survived the battle. 

For Canada click here; 
From here click on Relay for life (on the right). 
Click Find an event near you. 
Then choose your province.

For the U.S. click here: 
Just enter your zip code on the right and it will find the relay events near you.

For the UK click here:

For Australia click here: 
Click on EVENTS then scroll down to the bottom and click on "state or territory cancer council". It appears this will only give you phone numbers to call to get details, but I didn't look too hard to see if it gave event dates/locations or not.

Most in Canada and the United States are run in May and June, however in some of the southern U.S. States they might run earlier due to the summer heat. Other countries may run during other months to take into account local seasons and weather. If you have information about the events in your country please contact the webmaster. 

Lymphoma Research Foundation 7th Annual Patient Education Forum webcasts now available. 

The Webcasts from the 2002 Patient Education forum are now available on the LRF's Web site. Just click the link below, then click on the lymphomafocus link about half way down the page. From there scroll to the bottom to find the links to the various webcasts.

Lymphoma Research Foundation web site