My husband is reading a book entitled "Making miracles happen" by Gregory White Smith. I haven't read it yet, but Larry says that it's very informative and uplifting. It's written by a guy who was given three months to live after he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at the age of 34, but has managed to stay alive for ten years, and counting. Here's a quote:
"Today, ten years later, Smith is fit, symptom-free and managing his tumor with an experimental hormone therapy- living proof that no matter how dire the diagnosis, you don't have to accept a death sentence. How did he do it? ... Smith draws on his own harrowing experiences, and those of other patients who "refused to lie down and die on cue", to show how medical "miracles" are made: from taking control of health care decisions to exploring experimental treatments; from finding the right questions for your doctor to finding the right doctor for your questions; from developing trust in your caregiver to developing faith in yourself; from battling insurance companies to battling the voice in your head that keeps asking "Why me?"

It's published by Woodward/White Inc. We purchased it at Barnes and Nobles after reading the review in the New York Times.
Email: Joan W. Bailey


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