Cancervive:The Challenge of Life After Cancer . Susan Nessim and Judith Ellis; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1991.
This book, written by a survivor of a rare cancer (rhabdomyosarcoma), focuses on adapting to life after cancer. It covers a variety of issues, both emotional and practical, faced by those who have had treatment for cancer. These include relationships with friends, family and co-workers; fear of recurrence; employment and insurance concerns; long term effects of treatment, and infertility problems as a result of treatment. I felt the authors showed good insight into the concerns that follow treatment, and the book was very readable. Many of the topics would also be of interest to those who have not had treatment for their cancer. In addition, there is information about a support program also called Cancervive, based in Los Angeles, Ca. which was founded by one of the authors.
Email: Anne


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