Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma


 Lymphoma Awareness Oak leaf pins  

 The Lymphoma Awareness Leaf pin



This beautiful pin was commissioned by
Lymphoma Foundation Canada (LFC)  to commemorate the annual
Worldwide Lymphoma Awareness Day on September 15th every year

The leaf is a symbol of lymphoma awareness, strength, endurance and perseverance.

Why the oak leaf?  The oak leaf represents the strength, endurance and the deep-roots of the oak tree and these are traits that lymphoma patients need and draw on during their diagnosis and treatment process. The oak leaf also survives heavy rains, blistering winds, and the strong sun and stretches its branches out far and wide.

The oak leaf is an integral part of Lymphoma Foundation Canada's logo which will remind patients to access a source of information on the disease and support groups in their community. All funds raised will go directly to Lymphoma research and education. 

Your webmaster wearing his pin
Click for a larger image

The cost for each pin is just $5.00. (Canadian or US funds) Shipping to USA and Canada is just $2 for 1-10 pins and $3 for 11-20. 100% of all the funds go directly to LFC for research and education. To order just fill in the form below and I will ship your pin immediately. Even if you are not ready to order but just have a question you can use the same form.  I will e-mail you confirmation and payment instructions. Orders outside the U.S. or Canada will also be shipped immediately but will require a modest shipping cost (about $4 U.S.)

To order your Lymphoma Awareness Oak Leaf pins just fill out the form below. You will receive an e-mail confirming your order and giving you additional payment instructions.

E-mail address
Number of pins to order  $5 each U.S. or Canadian dollars
Mailing Address
I will be paying by:

Additional payment instructions will be e-mailed to you after you submit your order

Cheque   Paypal   Cash

Cash payments should be enclosed in a
sheet of paper to ensure secure delivery.

Questions or comments

Download the "Quick Facts document that explains why Lymphoma deserves far more attention than it gets. Hand this out with your pins.


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