It is better to light one candle
than to curse the darkness

(Ancient Chinese proverb)

Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma


Letters from Janet: the Challenge of Cancer  

  A Tribute to a truly remarkable woman.

Janet Nightingale's story will move you, inspire you and motivate you. It will make you laugh and cry, and it will make you remember what courage in the face of adversity is all about.

Janet's family has compiled a collection of her letters and writings to her close friend and Pastor. These letters, titled "Letters from Janet: the Challenge of Cancer" are now available for just a small donation to the "Dudley Leukaemia Unit Appeal" at the Russell's Hall Hospital UK where Janet received much of her Lymphoma treatment. They have been compiled into a booklet which you can order below.

You can also read Janet's extraordinary story of her Pilgrimage from Le Puy in south central France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The 1,000 mile Pilgrims Walk

Then read of her SCT experience, and the moving international memorial service held by dozens of her fellow NHL Cyberfamily members around the globe.

Click here to read Janet's incredible story of her Pilgrim's walk, her SCT story, and her family's completion of the walk in her memory.


Read her husband John's commentary

To order Letters from Janet: the Challenge of Cancer and help support the Dudley Leukaemia Unit Appeal just fill out the order form below.

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 $ 15 US each

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€ 13 Euro each

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Janet's portrait at the right
was painted by one of the teachers at the school for
girls aged 11-18 where Janet
had been head teacher
in her late twenties. It was
painted based on a
photograph of Janet from
that time.

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